Watch System Update Episode #21 here on Rumble.
In this episode, we cover an amazing story that is, at once, one of the funniest episodes in Washington in years, but also one full of all sorts of vital lessons on how the Washington establishment abuses its secrecy powers. Just four months after the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago and the Democrats thought they really had Trump this time -- because he had classified documents that the FBI insisted were recklessly and insecurely maintained -- Biden's own attorney general, Merrick Garland, was forced today to appoint a special counsel to investigate whether Joe Biden acted criminally because every day seems to bring new stories about all the different places Biden seems to have recklessly left not just classified material, but top-secret documents.
We will, to be sure, enjoy with you the multipronged ironies of the story, but also use it to explore these vital and often overlooked tactics that your government uses to abuse its own secrecy powers by punishing whistleblowers who reveal the truth about them while immunizing DC's most powerful actors for far worse transgressions of leaking classified information to deceive the public.
For our interview segment, we will speak to the independent journalist I regard as the nation's single most knowledgeable reporter on Russiagate -- Aaron Maté -- about all of this and also about how and why Democrats, unanimously, are attempting to shield the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security from investigative scrutiny by the Congress.
President Joe Biden appears to have such a fondness for carelessly passing classified documents in so many different places, kind of like a happy-go-lucky Santa Claus playfully hiding the nation's secrets in fireplace stockings so that you never know what you might find when you wake up and see some CIA or Homeland Security documents – that, at this point, the more relevant question is not “where has Biden strewn classified documents,” but rather, where hasn't he left them?
The story of Joe Biden and the fact that he is so recklessly handling classified information -- to the point that his own attorney general, Merrick Garland, was forced to appoint a Special Counsel earlier today to investigate the president for possible criminality just a couple of months after appointing one to investigate Donald Trump for the same thing -- has many interesting lessons to it about government secrecy and the way Washington leaders abuse them and manipulate classified documents. And most of our show tonight will be devoted to examining those really crucial lessons.
But we would be remiss and dishonest, as well as, I think, unfairly depriving you of important entertainment -- if we did not confess that this entire episode, given everything that was said about Trump just a few months ago -- is one of the funniest things to happen in Washington in months, if not longer.