Glenn Greenwald
Politics • Writing • Culture
Russiagate: A New Deep Dive into the Media’s Stunning Lies, Corruption, & Complicity
Video Transcript: System Update #32
February 02, 2023
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Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Rumble on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Going forward, every new transcript will be sent out by email and posted to our Locals page, where you'll find the transcripts for previous shows. 

Watch System Update Episode #32 Here on Rumble.

In this episode, a devastating autopsy on the serial lies and recklessness by the corporate media that for more than three years drowned this country in what we can and should now call the Russiagate Hoax. That the media lies on behalf of the CIA and FBI repeatedly to push these deranged conspiracy theories that Trump was controlled by Putin, that Trump officials helped the Kremlin hack into democratic email inboxes is hardly a surprise. But the reason this new report is so worth examining is in part because of how comprehensive and well-documented it is. 

It's a four-part series full of substantiation and shoe-leather investigative reporting, documenting each media falsehood and how it happened, but also because it comes from within their own home. This series is published by the Columbia Journalism Review, as mainstream as it gets, and was reported by Jeff Gerth, who wrote for the New York Times for 30 years, winning a Pulitzer at the paper. 

Nonetheless – and needless to say – these media outlets are ignoring this new report and will continue to ignore the remarkable findings in it, just as they steadfastly ignore all reporting that proves their lies. That's because their function is to deceive the public and spread disinformation on behalf of American power centers. Why would you apologize when you fulfill your real function? But that's precisely why it's so imperative to highlight and examine the key findings of this new report and what it reveals about the broader corruption of our corporate media culture. And that's exactly what we will do tonight, in-depth and in detail, because the story that emerges is one of great clarity and great importance. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now. 


We finally have what we should have had at least four years ago: a comprehensive accounting from the mainstream media review of the lies, deceit and recklessness that drove the corporate media's Russiagate hoax. 

On Monday, the Columbia Journalism Review – it doesn't get more mainstream, too – published a four-part investigative series entitled “The Press versus the President”. One scathing paragraph after the next, it details the sort of incompetence and complete lack of journalistic integrity that drove most of the corporate media's coverage of Russiagate, the fake scandal that dominated and drowned our politics from mid-2016 – when the Clinton campaign first launched its innuendo about sinister, hidden ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin – through April of 2019, more than three years later, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally closed his 18-month-long investigation by concluding that there was insufficient evidence to establish the two core deranged conspiracy theories pushed by the Democratic Party, the U.S. Security State and the corporate media, and seemingly copied from the crusty, decades-old scripts buried in the lowest level dungeons of the CIA. First, Donald Trump and the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to hack into the email inboxes of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta; and two, Russian President Vladimir Putin had effectively seized control of the levers of American power through various forms of blackmail control over Trump. 

One now often sees many liberals and media figures embarrassed that they actually endorse that blackmail theory, first invented by the Steele Dossier, which was also reported first by the media – by CNN, and by BuzzFeed. Liberals now like to claim that this is something that was endorsed only by the most marginalized fringes of resistance politics, not by any influential or mainstream Democratic Party leaders – that, put simply, is a lie. That Donald Trump was a puppet of the Kremlin, that Putin had effectively taken over the United States by infiltrating its most sacred halls of power was gospel to American liberalism at the highest levels for years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as this one example, repeatedly spread it as illustrated by this very predictably viral January 2919 tweet, “What does Putin have on Donald Trump politically, personally, or financially?” 

When Trump met Putin for a summit in Helsinki, in 2018, Democratic Party leaders, CIA operatives and their corporate media allies actually began to resort to body language analysis, something less credible than astrology, to insist that they finally had the proof because of how Trump was standing and how Putin was standing that Trump was owned by Putin. 

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After-Show with Glenn & Michael Tracey

Yesterday's After-Show was streamed LIVE from our Rumble link. If you missed it, check it out here!

Glenn and Michael discuss a wide range of topics.

CLIP: Glenn Greenwald Debates Alan Dershowitz on Iran

Glenn warns against waging wars during last week’s debate against Alan Dershowitz on whether the U.S. should strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Glenn argues: “We don't go around the world attacking other countries or trying to remove their government because we want to give those people freedom and democracy. We only [attack] when we see a government that doesn't do our bidding."

We are grateful to The Soho Forum and Reason for hosting the spirited debate. You can listen to the full debate here:

Watch Tonight's Monologue

Due to a connection issue, our stream was cut short tonight.
You can find the entire episode below.

We apologize for this technical difficulty - thank you so much for your continued support.

Listen to this Article: Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted

For years, U.S. officials and their media allies accused Russia, China and Iran of tyranny for demanding censorship as a condition for Big Tech access. Now, the U.S. is doing the same to TikTok. Listen below.

Listen to this Article: Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted

What’s happening in politics that you want to talk about? Are there any burning topics you think Glenn needs to cover? Any thoughts you’d like to share?

This post will be pinned to our profile for the remainder of this week, so comment below anytime with your questions, insights, future topic ideas/guest recommendations, etc. Let’s get a conversation going!

Glenn will respond to a few comments here—and may even address some on our next supporters-only After Show.

Thank you so much for your continued support through another week of SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald!

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Memes to make you smile!😄🤣😅😆😁

September 05, 2024

To all Bobby Kennedy fans (for what it's worth): I went to the Tucker Carlson/Russell Brand show last night in Phoenix & EVERY time either of them referenced RFK Jr., the entire stadium erupted in applause. I was really glad to hear that! Mentions of Calley Means & children's health also elicited applause, while any talk of endless wars brought on boos. Things are changing. . .

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Dems Desperately Revive Russian Interference Hysteria Ahead of Election; French Politics Analyst Arnaud Bertrand On Macron's Refusal To Accept Election Results
Video Transcript

Watch the full episode HERE

Podcast: Apple - Spotify 

Rumble App: Apple - Google

Good evening everybody. It is Wednesday, September 4. As you can see, we are still not in our regular studio. That's because I continue to be traveling concerning some work, and each time I get to a new place, we seem to have a little bit of technical issues trying to make sure it works. Hopefully, it is now working because there's a lot to talk about tonight, including a guest that I'm really interested in talking to. So, let's roll the dice and see what it is that we can do. It's interesting. I was on Megan Kelly's program for two full hours today using exactly this setup, and it worked perfectly. So, let's try and give it a go. 

So, for tonight: Whenever a Democrat is nearby and encounter someone or something that they dislike, one thing is certain: they will start ranting and raving about Russia and accusing whatever or whoever is bothering them of being controlled by or being subservient to the Kremlin. The list of their targets since 2016 is too long to count but today – with the election just two months away – they resurrected yet again this old, crusty, cliched, tired Cold War script to try to claim that Vladimir Putin yet again – while running Russia, overseeing a war in Ukraine, managing his country's complex oil economy – is, in his spare time, also trying to propagandize the American citizenry through all sorts of covert influence campaigns. 

Earlier this morning, the Biden administration leaked to many of its favorite reporters that it was about to make a major announcement accusing the Kremlin of trying to interfere in the 2024 election, exactly what they did in 2016 and 2020 and many times before. Who could have ever guessed that? With the election just two months away, Democrats would start talking about Russia. But that, of course, is exactly what they're doing. Hours later, the DOJ issued a lengthy indictment of various Russians and the state-owned RT purporting to detail how these influence operations are being carried out. The indictment very deliberately and purposely named without naming a wide range of conservative influencers who they accuse of either knowingly or unwittingly having accepted Russian money to deliver pro-Kremlin messaging. 

While this document, like all indictments, is filled with nothing but unproven accusations, they're being treated as gospel facts. And as a side note, this is something I've seen many times. The Justice Department issues an indictment based on allegations that come from the U.S. security state and it's almost like nobody questions it. Whatever the DOJ said is what happened ends up being accepted as true. To do that in general is misguided but to do it about a highly politicized document just two months away from a national election, when Democrats do exactly this almost reflexively, now seems to me like madness. But even if every single claim in this indictment is true, even if it ends up being proven to be true, the magnitude of this so-called influence campaign run by the Kremlin is laughably tiny. It barely even rises to the level where it wasn't being called trivial. It's just clearly yet another act of standard Democratic Party reflex to scream Russia whenever they feel endangered. So, we're going to examine this indictment because of the historical context surrounding it and what the implications are. 

Then: two separate elections were held in France over the past several months. One was an election for France's seats to the EU, and that election was won by Marine Le Pen's right-wing party. Following that, President Emmanuel Macron called new elections to have a vote to determine who should compose the French legislature, and that election was won by a coalition of left-wing parties. One of the major messages, obvious messages, of both of those votes, was a rejection of the Macron government, which won neither of those seats. 

We covered these elections, both of them extensively. At the time, we've had analysts on our show to talk about not only what drove the outcomes but also what the impact on French politics would be in general and, specifically, how it would change the French government. I mean, that's the idea of democracy is you have a vote not just to be a symbolic expression of people's beliefs but in order to let them determine the composition of their own government. And yet, as it turns out, absolutely nothing has changed in France or with the French government since those votes and that's because President Emmanuel Macron, his party and his government, have basically pretended that the election never even happened. Even Macron's protégé – Prime Minister Gabriel Attal – continues in office even though his party lost a majority, and even though he tendered his resignation immediately after the election, only for Macron to refuse it. He continues to be the prime minister overseeing the legislators until this very day. 

One of the guests we had on to evaluate the election results was the political analyst, Arnaud Bertrand, and he will be here to join us tonight to talk about, among other things, the bizarre spectacle of a country that bombastically claims to be one of the leaders of the democratic world, simply ignoring a national election because it doesn't like the outcome.

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now. 

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Michael Tracey On Trump & Kamala's Interviews and Israel Policies; Ukraine War Developments & U.S. Sanctions on Chinese Companies; Richard Hanania Interview
Video Transcript

Watch the full episode HERE

Podcast: Apple - Spotify 

Rumble App: Apple - Google

Hello. Welcome to another exciting edition of System Update here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube System Update. Glenn is once again away. So, tonight I'm going to do my best to serve you, because that's what I live to do. We are going to discuss a couple of items that I think are of public interest. Did I mention that I'm Michael Tracey? If not, you should be aware of me by now, I would hope. Although you might be better off just forgetting about me. 

Tonight, we're going to first discuss some of the media appearances that our two glorious presidential nominees, Donald J. Trump and Kamala D. Harris – is that her middle initial? I think so – have graced us with. 

Kamala Harris only provided her first interview of the entire campaign last week and Donald Trump has been gabbing it up a little bit more extensively. There are a couple of items there that I think you'll want to be apprised of. 

Then, we're going to go through a couple of developments around Ukraine and discuss those developments with Richard Hanania, who is, I don't know what he is exactly. He's an all-purpose commentator polemicist – he might even say troll, but in an endearing way – and it should be enlightening and informative and that's it. 

So. for now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting now. 

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Weekly Recap

Welcome to the SYSTEM UPDATE recap: your weekend digest featuring everything we’ve covered throughout the previous week. 

Prefer to listen to your daily news analysis? A reminder that FULL episodes of SYSTEM UPDATE are available anywhere you listen to podcasts🎙️


Telegram Founder & CEO Arrested in France as Online Censorship Escalates; Interview: Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) Speaks Out Against Speech Crackdowns

The online censorship regime escalates as the French government arrests Telegram’s founder & CEO, Pavel Durov on grounds that he was “complicit” in allowing alleged illegal activity on the app. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (6:40)

Telegram Founder Arrested in France (12:36) 

Interview with Congressman Warren Davidson (R-OH) (45:57) 

Credits (1:02:48)



Mark Zuckerberg On How FBI Lies Caused Facebook to Suppress 2020 Biden Reporting; Ongoing, Worsening Threats to Free Speech Over Israel

Mark Zuckerberg admits how the Biden administration pressured Facebook to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story, COVID-related posts, and more. Social media apps and U.S. college campuses enforce stricter guidelines in order to silence anti-Israel dissent. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (8:34)

Biden Admin Pressured Facebook to Censor (20:39)

Speech Crackdown Over Israel (57:03)

Outro (1:13:21)



Dangerous Charges Brought Against Pavel Durov By France; Columbia Student Protester On Campus Free Speech And Fall Protests

France charges Pavel Durov – founder and CEO of Telegram – with crimes that drastically and dangerously escalate the censorship regime in the democratic world. Columbia/Barnard student protester Maryam Iqbal joins us to talk about the threats of censorship faced by Pro-Palestinian groups on college campuses ahead of the fall semester. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (12:50)

New Details in Pavel Durov Arrest (17:03) 

Interview with Columbia/Barnard Student Protester Maryam Iqbal (44:10)

Credits (1:09:54)



Brazil's Repressive Censorship Judge To Ban X Nationwide; Has Trump 2024 Retained Its Populist Ideology? With Sohrab Ahmari

With the failure of X’s Brazilian office to comply with Alexandre de Moraes’ secret censorship order, Brazilian courts look to ban the social media app. Sohrab Ahmari discusses his new article and whether the Trump 2024 campaign has retained its populist ideology. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (12:55)

Censorship Escalation in Brazil (19:00)

Interview with Sohrab Ahmari (44:27)

Outro (1:22:47)


Supporters-Only After-Show for Thursday, August 29

We moved to Locals for our supporters-only, interactive after-show where Glenn shared his thoughts on some audience questions and comments:



What are your thoughts on propaganda about Bashar Al Assad being used by Israeli and U.S. corporate media to divide pro-Palestine Americans (especially Muslims) and discredit independent media outlets like the Grayzone? Would love if you covered this on the show sometime!!



RFK Jr’s campaign suspension speech talked extensively about children’s growing chronic conditions and how to reverse them through nutrition. His advisor on this is Calley Means a former DC employee of Coke and a whistleblower on big food and big pharma. Calley Means has said that he and his team have been working on executive orders, food and pharma agency reform (USDA, FDA, etc.) and legislation (farm subsidies, etc.). Given that you are vegan and concerned about health and food personally, do you think this approach, working toward improving the type and quality of food available in the U.S., would pave the way for a universal health plan as children and adult get healthier through food intake? Also, how successful do you think this approach could be given the growing concern about health among the U.S. population?


Available for paid supporters here.

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