Glenn Greenwald
Politics • Writing • Culture
Russiagate: A New Deep Dive into the Media’s Stunning Lies, Corruption, & Complicity
Video Transcript: System Update #32
February 02, 2023
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Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Rumble on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Going forward, every new transcript will be sent out by email and posted to our Locals page, where you'll find the transcripts for previous shows. 

Watch System Update Episode #32 Here on Rumble.

In this episode, a devastating autopsy on the serial lies and recklessness by the corporate media that for more than three years drowned this country in what we can and should now call the Russiagate Hoax. That the media lies on behalf of the CIA and FBI repeatedly to push these deranged conspiracy theories that Trump was controlled by Putin, that Trump officials helped the Kremlin hack into democratic email inboxes is hardly a surprise. But the reason this new report is so worth examining is in part because of how comprehensive and well-documented it is. 

It's a four-part series full of substantiation and shoe-leather investigative reporting, documenting each media falsehood and how it happened, but also because it comes from within their own home. This series is published by the Columbia Journalism Review, as mainstream as it gets, and was reported by Jeff Gerth, who wrote for the New York Times for 30 years, winning a Pulitzer at the paper. 

Nonetheless – and needless to say – these media outlets are ignoring this new report and will continue to ignore the remarkable findings in it, just as they steadfastly ignore all reporting that proves their lies. That's because their function is to deceive the public and spread disinformation on behalf of American power centers. Why would you apologize when you fulfill your real function? But that's precisely why it's so imperative to highlight and examine the key findings of this new report and what it reveals about the broader corruption of our corporate media culture. And that's exactly what we will do tonight, in-depth and in detail, because the story that emerges is one of great clarity and great importance. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now. 


We finally have what we should have had at least four years ago: a comprehensive accounting from the mainstream media review of the lies, deceit and recklessness that drove the corporate media's Russiagate hoax. 

On Monday, the Columbia Journalism Review – it doesn't get more mainstream, too – published a four-part investigative series entitled “The Press versus the President”. One scathing paragraph after the next, it details the sort of incompetence and complete lack of journalistic integrity that drove most of the corporate media's coverage of Russiagate, the fake scandal that dominated and drowned our politics from mid-2016 – when the Clinton campaign first launched its innuendo about sinister, hidden ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin – through April of 2019, more than three years later, when Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally closed his 18-month-long investigation by concluding that there was insufficient evidence to establish the two core deranged conspiracy theories pushed by the Democratic Party, the U.S. Security State and the corporate media, and seemingly copied from the crusty, decades-old scripts buried in the lowest level dungeons of the CIA. First, Donald Trump and the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to hack into the email inboxes of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign manager, John Podesta; and two, Russian President Vladimir Putin had effectively seized control of the levers of American power through various forms of blackmail control over Trump. 

One now often sees many liberals and media figures embarrassed that they actually endorse that blackmail theory, first invented by the Steele Dossier, which was also reported first by the media – by CNN, and by BuzzFeed. Liberals now like to claim that this is something that was endorsed only by the most marginalized fringes of resistance politics, not by any influential or mainstream Democratic Party leaders – that, put simply, is a lie. That Donald Trump was a puppet of the Kremlin, that Putin had effectively taken over the United States by infiltrating its most sacred halls of power was gospel to American liberalism at the highest levels for years. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as this one example, repeatedly spread it as illustrated by this very predictably viral January 2919 tweet, “What does Putin have on Donald Trump politically, personally, or financially?” 

When Trump met Putin for a summit in Helsinki, in 2018, Democratic Party leaders, CIA operatives and their corporate media allies actually began to resort to body language analysis, something less credible than astrology, to insist that they finally had the proof because of how Trump was standing and how Putin was standing that Trump was owned by Putin. 

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With Tulsi's Hearing this Week, Establishment Attacks Her with Lies About Snowden & 702 | U.S. Journalist Arrested in Switzerland for Criticizing Israel | China's Leap Forward in AI
System Update #397

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Donald Trump nominated two lifelong Democrats for key positions in his cabinet: RFK, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services and Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence – and it just so happens that Senate Democrats are most determined to sink those two nominations. The U.S. Security State and, therefore, their corporate media servants are determined to destroy her nomination and are engaged in an escalating and intensifying smear campaign based on lies to accomplish just that. 

We’ll also talk to Garrison Lovely, a freelance journalist who has long reported on AI. We are happy to have him here tonight to navigate through the significance of what China has done with DeepSeek and why it has sent shockwaves through Silicon Valley and parts of the U.S. stock market. 

Finally, in our third segment, the American journalist Ali Abunimah was arrested in Switzerland, where he had traveled at the behest of Swiss citizens to give a speech on the war in Gaza. He was just released a couple of hours before we aired this program but all of this continues to exemplify what we have spent ample time covering: the intensifying crackdown against free speech in the West and in the United States, all to shield and protect Israel. 


The leaks of Edward Snowden that took place back in 2013 – when it began – led to the Pulitzer Prize for the journalist and the newspapers that reported them and to all sorts of reforms around the world protecting people's privacy. 

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Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israel/Gaza Cease-fire, Trump's Foreign Policy, Ukraine, Free Speech Crackdowns & More
System Update #396

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Tonight, we welcomed one of our most popular and frequent guests, international relations professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer. 

As always, there is an ample amount of topics to cover with him and our interviews with Professor Mearsheimer are always very popular. I think they bring a lot of light, they illuminate a lot of complex topics and the one we had today is certainly no exception.


The interview: John Mearsheimer

G. Greenwald: Prof. Mearsheimer, always great to see you. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today. 

Prof. John Mearsheimer: My pleasure to be here Glenn. 

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As Trump Vows to Restore Free Speech, Harvard Just Assaulted it | Columbia Professor Forced Out over Israel Criticisms
System Update #394

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Over the last 15 months, this blatant censorship – the punishment of dissent in almost every sector of American life – has rapidly and aggressively intensified. This time, though, its targets are not primarily conservative voices, instead, they have been overwhelmingly those people who have either criticized aggressively Israel and its destruction of Gaza and/or those who support the Palestinian cause, both of which, as I understand it, falls squarely within the protection of the First Amendment's guarantee and right of free speech. 

There is no Israel exception in the First Amendment – nor is there in any other amendment. We’ll tell you about the latest abridgment of Americans’ free speech rights in one of its most influential academic institutions – Harvard. 

At Columbia University, in New York, Professor Catherine Franke, a long-time prominent faculty member, was inundated with multiple formal complaints and investigations, several filed by fellow faculty members: the kind of free speech witch hunts on campus that conservatives in the United States have been for years vocally condemning and pretending to oppose, though not notably in this case, where many of them are silent and some are outright supportive. 


There is a very bizarre dynamic when it comes to Israel and the United States that no matter how many times I see it, it never seeks to amaze me. Joe Biden has prided himself on the 60 years that he has been in public life as a senator, a vice president, and as a president over the last four years, in being one of the most stalwart, vocal and unyielding supporters of Israel, of the Israeli government, and not only a supporter of everything it does but also an unrelenting defender of the need and justification of the United States subsidizing the Israeli state, of paying for their military, paying for their wars. 

There are dozens, if not hundreds of speeches that he gave in the Senate saying things like, “Israel is the most important ally to us,” “If there were no Israel, we would have to invent an Israel,” “The billions of dollars we give to them each year are the greatest investment we've ever made” – you cannot find a more pro-Israel stalwart in Washington than Joe Biden over the course of his career. 

The minute October 7 happened, Biden immediately got on a plane – the first foreign leader to go to Israel and stand by Netanyahu's side – and he made a commitment to Netanyahu that the United States would pay for the entire war that they now had to undertake in Gaza and not only pay for it but give them all the arms they asked for, needed and wanted – that our government and our taxpayers and workers would pay for it as well on top of the $4 billion we give to them every year by virtue of an agreement negotiated by Barack Obama with Benjamin Netanyahu when Obama was way out the door in 2016. Also, he would have the United States diplomatically impede any attempt at the U.N. to bring a halt to or impose limits on the Israeli destruction of Gaza. 

Biden made good on every single one of those promises and every time the world – and I mean the entire world – was in consensus about some effort to try to limit or stop Israel in this unprecedented level of violence and destruction against a helpless population, Joe Biden dispatched his diplomats to the U.N. to stand against the entire world and isolate the United States, to veto the resolution or otherwise vote no and defend the state of Israel, no matter how much power and standing in the world the United States had to sacrifice to do it. 

It's hard to imagine, short of literally transferring the control of the United States Treasury formally to Benjamin Netanyahu or just making him Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, what possibly Biden could have done more for the state of Israel, other than everything he has spent the last 15 months doing.  Obviously, it's not a coincidence that a cease-fire deal was reached only when Donald Trump won the election, and he got very heavily and aggressively involved in forging one because Joe Biden had no interest in trying to end the war. He was fueling it, paying for it and defending it up until his very last day in office. 

The Republican critique of Joe Biden, however, is not that he forced American workers to subsidize the state of Israel, even though Israeli citizens have a higher standard of living than millions of Americans, or that he involved the United States in a war that isn't ours to fight. 

Instead, it was that, somehow, he was anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, that he didn't do enough for Israel.

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