The following is an email I received from a reader of mine who expressed firm but reasonable disagreement with my recent comments on transgender issues. I responded in turn with an explanation of my thinking on these issues, and while I don't find his critique to be totally valid, I found it thoughtful nonetheless and welcome such criticism. We've reproduced the exchange below for those interested in the debate.
Email from reader:
I've followed you on Twitter for some now. I find your perspectives on the media, the shifting landscapes of the left and the right, etc, to be insightful and thought-provoking. I do not always agree with everything you write, but have tended to find even your perspectives that I shake my head at to be nevertheless useful to disagree with and figure out why I disagree with them.
I recall a little while back you appreciatively shared (anonymously on Twitter) an email from a good-faith critic of yours. I found that encouraging, so rather than ignore something that's occasionally bothered me in your writing, or stop following you altogether, I'm taking the chance on writing to you, in hopes that even if you disagree with my pushback, you will at least take me seriously.
The tweet that's spurred me to finally write was this one: