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Good evening. It's Tuesday, June 13.
Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday through Friday, at 7 p.m. Eastern, exclusively here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube.
Tonight: Whenever you think the U.S. Government can't get any more brazen in their domestic spying - or any more contemptuous of the core privacy rights of American citizens - they prove you wrong. A newly revealed report from inside the Director of National Intelligence reveals that the U.S. Security State is using your tax dollars to purchase enormous amounts of data about you – information that they would be barred by the U.S. Constitution from gathering on their own without a search warrant, but which they are now claiming the right to collect on the ground that it is available on the commercial market.
We'll have details about exactly what this program is and why it's so menacing. But we'll also examine the underlying propagandistic framework on which these sorts of surveillance state programs rest: namely, constantly featuring a carousel of new enemies and threats that they want you to be afraid of so that you are willing to acquiesce to whatever new powers they claim as long as it's justified in the name of keeping you safe from those threats. The U.S. Security State are experts at this propaganda - they have been using the same template for decades, from the Cold War through the War on Terror to the alleged threats of an insurrectionary movement inside the U.S. to the always reliable dual enemies of Russia and China – and that is why there is no duty of American journalists, or American citizens, more urgent than constantly subjecting these fear-mongering tactics to critical scrutiny, rather than passively ingesting them. Failure to do so ensures not only the continuation of these massive state powers but their endless expansion.
Then: Our interview last night with Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. generated substantial discussion, controversy and reverberations. I'll share a couple of thoughts about that interview: with a focus on a rare and, I think, impressive character trait the interview revealed – one that is encouraging beyond any specific policy position. I think it illustrates how so many people – even someone born to one of the most storied political dynasties in American history – have become radicalized by realizing the extent to which U.S. institutions of authority are so fundamentally corrupted and how willing they are to lie chronically and deliberately to the American people, a reality that, once someone sees, can't be unseen, and which will inevitably shape one's views of issues far beyond the one that originally fosters this distrust.
As we do every Tuesday and Thursday, as soon as we’re done with our one-hour show here on Rumble, we will move to Locals for our interactive after-show to take your questions and comment on your feedback. To obtain access, simply sign up as a member to our Locals community – the red button is right below the video player here on the Rumble page.
As a reminder, System Update is available in podcast form as well. You can follow us on Spotify, Apple and all major podcasting platforms. Rating and reviewing each episode help the visibility of the program.
For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update starting right now.