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Good evening. It's Wednesday, August 30. Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern exclusively here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube.
Tonight: The Republican presidential debate held last week in Milwaukee revealed some very sharp and serious divisions within that party – ideological conflicts, not about ancillary issues, but about fundamental ones. We devoted several shows over the last week to examining those very vibrant and often bitter disputes taking place within the GOP and the American right generally, splits that have been long brewing, but that exploded into plain sight with the inability of the Republican establishment to stop Donald Trump in 2016, despite using every weapon that establishments have. That has become even more visible now with the failure of the Republican establishment, the seeming failure, though increasingly desperate attempts to wrestle back control from Trump and restore traditional Republican establishment orthodoxies.
Simultaneously with the emergence of the sharp differences within the Republican Party, the Democratic Party has become almost the exact opposite. That party has virtually no internal differences of any meaningful kind other than perhaps the post-9/11 Republican Party from maybe 2002 to 2004. I really don't think I've ever seen in my lifetime one of the two political parties more bereft of internal debates, factional conflicts, or ideological disputes than the Democratic Party of 2023. The Democrats march in lockstep and it is virtually inconceivable to imagine putting party leaders on a debate stage and watching them do anything other than express, at best, the most piecemeal and trivial disagreements. While Republican and conservative voters openly despise many of their party's establishment leaders, Democrats from AOC and Bernie left to whatever is on the right – Joe Manchin or Kirsten Cinema – have basically united all of their factions, including the ones who, as recently as a couple of years ago, were posturing as party opponents. They have them completely in line, under control, and in captivity.
In 2016, the nominally independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont led what he called a political revolution, one he said a not solely in establishment Republicans, but equally at the Democratic Party as well. Bernie and his followers depicted themselves back then as some sort of threat to Democratic Party establishment dogma and to the center of party power itself and they paraded around as radicals, as revolutionaries waging war on the Democratic Party. Now, one can spend an infinite amount of time debating whether there was anything genuine about that moment or whether it was just a marketing pose but ultimately, it doesn't really matter because they no longer pretend even that pretense is gone.
One of the very first members of Congress to endorse Joe Biden in the 2024 election was Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose 2018 primary victory over establishment Democratic Congressman Joe Crowley was celebrated as some sort of intimidating and radical blow against Democratic Party establishment orthodoxy and yet, AOC endorsed Biden already, even though he has two primary challengers within the party – RFK, Jr. and Marianne Williamson, the latter clearly running to Biden's left – as well as an independent candidate with the Green Party clearly running as the anti-establishment politician AOC pretended to be: Cornel West.
Any doubts about the utter fraud that is the supposedly left-wing oppositional faction within the Democratic Party were completely erased last week when Bernie Sanders, the revolutionary leader from 2016 and 2020, not only endorsed Joe Biden, also becoming one of the earliest members of Congress to do so, but was sent out to attack Cornel West, his longtime friend and one of his most vocal supporters. After a new poll showed that West, running as an independent, would draw many votes away from Joe Biden – the worst crime there is – Bernie, as he always does these days, eagerly obeyed his order and filled his role as party enforcer, as unity enforcer, with gusto and glee, using his old persona as an establishment critic to attack Cornel West for the crime of challenging Joe Biden and the DNC establishment.
After spending the last couple of shows examining the internal debates within the Republican Party, tonight, we're going to examine the utter lack of them inside the Democratic Party. And to help us do that, we are going to be joined by one of our favorite left-wing critics of the Democratic Party, Sabrina Salvati, of the Revolutionary Blackout Network. We will talk to her about the fact that there is essentially now full unity in the entire network of power centers, not only within the Democratic Party, but those that support the party, the corporate media, big tech, Wall Street, and especially the liberal left.
Then: Then: last year, while at Substack, I wrote about the very improbable but very profound friendship that formed between my late husband, David Miranda, who was one of Brazil's most prominent gay politicians, and Cabo Daciolo, arguably one of the country's most well-known evangelical politician who was known for his steadfast opposition to legal recognition of LGBT relationships.
In that article, I described how Daciolo – who started on the left a decade ago when he became an overnight star leading a firefighter's strike for better wages – is widely depicted by the Brazilian left as a hateful bigot, particularly against gay people, and yet – beyond developing a deep and meaningful friendship with David, was one of the people who dedicated the most attention and support when David was hospitalized for nine months in the ICU last year, and then afterward when David died in May – support Daciolo gave not only to David, by visiting him in the hospital and praying over and with him, but also to me and our family, with constant phone calls to me asking how David was doing, how I was doing, how our kids were doing. I wrote the article to illustrate a lot of lessons about common humanity, ideological demonization, and what really matters and what doesn't about how we judge people's character and values.
Last night, in the middle of the night, Daciolo's beloved wife, Cristiane, passed away after a years-long and deeply painful battle with leukemia. She was 52, and she left behind not only her husband but also their three children, all of whom are in their teens. His tragic loss, which I learned about only this morning, caused me to reflect again on the lessons derived from our interactions with him over the last year, and it led me to want to share a very formative story that shaped a lot of my perspectives about what does, and does not matter when judging the real values and character of other people that I experienced in my early twenties when in law school in New York. And I will share that story with you at the end of the show as a way of, I think, giving insight into the politics of our show and what we're trying to accomplish.
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For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.