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Good evening. It's Monday, September 11. Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern, exclusively here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube.
Tonight: One of the most significant First Amendment victories in years. In July, we reported (you can read or watch it here! on an extraordinary ruling from a federal district court in Louisiana which ruled that the Biden administration and several key components of it, including the White House, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Center for Disease Control, had engaged in a massive and grave violation of the First Amendment's guarantee of free speech by threatening and coercing Big Tech platforms to censor the speech of American citizens those government agencies and officials disliked. The district court enjoined – barred – all officials in those agencies from communicating threats or coercion of any further kind to tech platforms with the intent to have speech censored. The case is brought by several American citizens who had their speech prohibited or their accounts banned by Big Tech at the behest of their own government. Among them was Stanford School of Medicine, Doctor J. Jay Bhatta-char-ya, who dissented from several of the most important COVID pronouncements of the health policy establishment and for that reason alone was barred by his own government from being heard on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere.
The Biden DOJ, which has made clear that, like Democrats generally, they regard their ability to have the Internet censored as a top priority, immediately announced they would appeal this ruling. And they did. But on Friday, a three-judge appellate court composed of two Bush nominees and one Trump nominee upheld not all, but most of the ruling, including its most foundational parts. The appellate panel emphasized what a grave and unusually invasive free speech violation this was: “The Supreme Court has rarely been faced with a coordinated campaign” of censorship code “of this magnitude orchestrated by federal officials.” The result said the court was, “suppressing millions of protected free speech postings.” The ruling was based on the long-standing principle that the First Amendment free speech guarantee not only bars the state from directly censoring but also forcing or otherwise coercing private actors to censor for them.
The appellate court found that four agencies in particular were guilty of using threats to all but force social media platforms to censor at their command – the White House the FBI, the CDC and the surgeon general – and, as a result, ban them from engaging in such communications or threats going forward. We will discuss the broad and very significant implications of this decision. We'll also speak to one of the lead lawyers who represented the plaintiffs in this case: Jenin Younes.
Then: as President Biden seeks yet another $25 billion to continue to fuel the war in Ukraine – on top of the $120 billion or so already authorized – it is time to ask who exactly is getting rich from this war? Who is benefiting from it? And on the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy copied the formulation of George W. Bush in a David Frum-written speech ten days after the 9/11 attacks. The notorious “You’re either with us or you are with the terrorist” announcement to proclaim that either you support the war in Ukraine and the U.S. support of it with all your heart or you are deemed to be “pro-Russian.” Exactly what we've been arguing here: the true meaning of the term “pro-Russian” and we thank President Zelenskyy for making it so explicitly clear.
As a programming note, we're encouraging our audience to download the Rumble app, which works either on your phone or your smart TV, to follow our program and other programs that you watch on Rumble. And if you enable notifications, you will be immediately told the second that we go live on air here on Rumble, on the very few occasions that relate and I know all of you say, but you're never late. You're always starting right at 7 p.m. It's true. But there are a couple of occasions when we're a couple of minutes late and on those occasions you will be immediately notified. You won't have to wait around. Downloading the app helps the platform, helps our show help you, and you'll be able to encourage people to download that app and follow programs here as well.
As another reminder, System Update is also available in podcast form. You can find each episode 12 hours on major podcasting platforms such as Spotify and Apple after they first are broadcast live here on Rumble. If you follow and write reviews of the show, it really helps us spread the visibility of the program.
As the last reminder every Tuesday and Thursday after we're done with our hour – or 90-minute-long – live show here on Rumble, we move to Locals, which is part of the Rumble platform where we have our live interactive aftershow, where we take your questions, respond to your feedback, hear your suggestions for topics to cover and guests to invite. That's available for subscribers only. And if you subscribe, joining our Locals community, in addition to having access to that aftershow, you also get daily transcripts of each show in a very professionalized way delivered to your email inbox, as well as the original journalism that we continue to intend to produce there, besides helping support the independent journalism that we do here. To obtain access to that community, simply click the join button right below the video player on the Rumble page, and it will take you to our Locals site – or click here!
For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.