Glenn Greenwald
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From Waco to Today, Retracing the 30-Year Domestic War on Civil Liberties That Launched Gore Vidal's Political Transformation
Video Transcript
October 09, 2023
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Good evening. It's Friday, October 6. 

Tonight: One of the primary topics we cover on System Update is the abuse of the U.S. Security State and its vast powers – the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS – for domestic political purposes. When the U.S.. Security State was created in the aftermath of World War Two, the central taboo was that it would never turn its powers inward. It was permitted to operate in total secrecy and use often lawless methods because it was intended to focus only on foreign enemies and to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign adversaries but was never to be weaponized in American politics or turned against the American people. 

There is now abundant evidence that leaves no doubt that this taboo simply no longer exists. Whistleblowers within these agencies who risked their liberty over the last 25 years to reveal the agency's secrets did so because they said they were so offended and horrified that the weapons of the security agencies were now being regularly turned on the domestic population that the CIA directly and aggressively interfered in and manipulated. Both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections are beyond dispute. Both the Russiagate collusion conspiracy theory of 2016 and the 2020 lie that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation came directly from the bowels of the CIA and was fed to The New York Times and the Washington Post. Just last month, an appellate court ruled that the FBI and other agencies within the Biden administration committed one of the most egregious and systemic violations of the First Amendment in decades, if not ever, by systematically pressuring Big Tech platforms to censor the political speech of Americans that they dislike. That's just a small sample. The story shows grave and constant domestic repression by these intelligence agencies. 

It may sometimes seem that this is a fairly new development. After all, most people's adult political lives now are no longer shaped by the Cold War, but by the 9/11 attacks and the subsequent War on Terror in which the CIA Homeland Security and FBI largely came to focus not on the domestic population, but on foreign terrorist organizations. As a result, most of our controversies over the last 25 years involving the U.S. Security State before the Trump age were typically about programs justified in the name of fighting foreign enemies rather than domestic ones. Controversies over torture programs, CIA black sites, due process-free zones at Bagram and Guantanamo, mass warrantless spying, drones and regime change wars were all typically justified by the need to stop foreign threats. 

This was always deceit – pure propaganda. Most of the key War on Terror controversies ended up having significant implications for the domestic civil liberties of American citizens, if not being principally about them. Radical programs like the Patriot Act and the NSA's warrantless surveillance program had a far greater impact in eroding the core of the civil liberties of American citizens on American soil than they did foreign terrorist groups. But the framework for how we debated and understood those controversies and the justification offered by the U.S. government for them were always focused on foreign threats rather than domestic ones. 

The 20-year War on Terror, with its ostensible focus on foreign threats, has thus created the misleading perception that the U.S. Security State's domestic focus and interference in our domestic politics is a somewhat new development. For so many reasons, though, that is simply false. The decade prior to the 9/11 attacks in the War on Terror and the Clinton years of the 1990s were driven at least as much by a civil liberties assault on the domestic political rights of Americans as was true of the Trump era. But for al-Qaida and ISIS and the Russians, we were told back then that the greatest threat we faced was not foreign threats, but domestic ones, specifically anti-government extremism on our own soil that questions the legitimacy of the federal government. Over and over, the multiple sprawling arms of the U.S. Security State in the 1990s were used to target, surveil and repress what the U.S. government considered anti-government, anti-establishment extremism, just as is true of today – you can draw a straight line from those controversy in the 1990s to the ones today. 

For that reason, it's really impossible to understand the multiple ways that the U.S. government today is attacking core liberties at home without understanding the foundation that was laid for all of this in the 1990s. The alleged threat posed by so-called domestic anti-government extremists was aggressively exploited by the Clinton administration to demand a wide array of new and previously unthinkable powers designed to control police and suppress domestic dissent, including things like backdoor access to all Internet sites and encryption protections, and even chips on phones that would trace everything we say and did. All of this became quite visible with two violent attacks by U.S. federal law enforcement agencies in that decade: One against a family said to be white separatists in Idaho, in which the FBI conducted an 11-day siege at Ruby Ridge and then killed Randy Weaver's wife, son and dog, and then, the notorious warlike assault against the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas, under Janet Reno's Justice Department. A vicious and violent government domestic assault led to 76 members of that group, including 28 children, dead. 

There is no way to understand the Senate's grave and growing threat to the core of civil liberties and political dissent posed by the U.S. Security State without understanding the historical context in which this all emerged in the 1990s. It is the political transformation of Gore Vidal, one of the most celebrated liberal literary, cultural and political figures of the 20th century, who became an outspoken opponent of the U.S. Security State in the 1990s, and the liberal attempt to weaponize it against political enemies, that provides the perfect window to understand this crucial history. 

We're aware that, especially in today's Internet culture of immediate gratification, it's sometimes difficult to get people to focus on anything other than the fleeting news events of the last 12 hours. But we have seen repeatedly that our audience wants more than that, and some of our most watched shows have been the ones where we took the time to put events of today into their crucial historical and cultural context. So, regarding the current exploitation of the power of the U.S. Security State to limit and punish domestic dissent, a frequent topic of our program. putting it into its key historical context is what we're going to do tonight, and we think you will find it compelling. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.

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WEEKLY WEIGH-IN: Let Us Know What You Want!

What’s happening in politics that you want to talk about? Are there any burning topics you think Glenn needs to cover? Any thoughts you’d like to share?

This post will be pinned to our profile for the remainder of this week, so comment below anytime with your questions, insights, future topic ideas/guest recommendations, etc. Let’s get a conversation going!

Glenn will respond to a few comments here—and may even address some on our next supporters-only After Show.

Thank you for your continued support through another week of SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald!

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Are you sick of politics?🙄 I know I am, so if you want a break from all the madness, check out this awesome interview with Graham Hancock, on ancient civilizations that mainstream archeologists continue to dispute, ignore, or outright deny. Fascinating discussion that will take you right out of our 24 hour news cycle.


With the flashback on the history of the Ukraine Proxy War, here is a damning video from Gonzalo Lira explaining Zelensky as a fake constructed by Igor Kolomoisky (who also ran Burisma), the Bidens as puppets and the goal to plunder Ukraine:

Edit: The video has been taken down from Youtube.

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Who Is GOP Mega-Donor Miriam Adelson & What Does She Want? Culture Critic Stephanie Lange On Pressures For Young People To Get Grotesque Plastic Surgery
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It’s October 16. Tonight: The Israeli-born Miriam Adelson, who is now both a citizen of Israel and the United States, has given more money in this election cycle to a pro-Trump super PAC, namely $100 million just from this one single person than any other single donor has given in an election cycle in American history. Adelson is one of the richest women in the world, in fact, the fifth richest woman and she's the single richest Israeli citizen on the planet by her inheriting the multibillion-dollar fortune of her now deceased husband, the casino mogul and longtime GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson. 

It would be notable and, I'd argue, disturbing enough to have anyone be able to use their billionaire wealth to exert such outsized influence on our politics this way. Most definitely, both parties, Democrats and Republicans, have plenty of these billionaires doing exactly that but to have a person who proudly identifies not only as a citizen of the United States but also as a citizen of a foreign country, the one where she was a citizen first, using her unlimited wealth this way to influence American politics and the American government – as Miriam Adelson repeatedly says that her primary political concern is U.S. support for everything Israel wants to do – bears at least serious examination. So that's what we'll do, asking who is Miriam Adelson and what is it that she wants. 

Then: Stephanie Lange is an Australian culture critic and commentator whose very popular YouTube show I discovered entirely by accident when YouTube's algorithm gods placed her show in front of me for whatever reason. I watched one of her videos as a result and instantly recognized how under-covered and important are the topics that she very adeptly covers. In particular, there's a huge increase in the numbers of young adults and even adolescents in the West and in the U. S. who are seeking out and paying for plastic surgery, often extremely distorting and unhealthy procedures that can cause long term or even permanent damage, not only to one's appearance but also to one's mental and physical health. 

This may seem like a topic slightly off the beaten path for what this show covers, and maybe it is: there's no inherent value in clinging to the beaten path. But I would argue that the types of social dynamics at play that are fueling these industries that play on and exploit the social insecurities and mental vulnerabilities of young people in the West are very much part of the social changes we often discuss in a more explicitly political context. That's why we asked Stephanie to come on our show to talk about all this, and why we are delighted to have her here tonight.

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now. 

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Kamala's New Reliance On John Bolton & Other Warmongers; Liberal Attack On Disobedient Non-White Voters; Nick Cruse On Kamala's Desperate Pandering
Video Transcript

Watch the full episode HERE

Podcast: Apple - Spotify 

Rumble App: Apple - Google

It's Tuesday, October 15. 

Tonight: Donald Trump gave a speech last week in which he denounced the warmongering of George Bush, Dick Cheney and Barack Obama as achieving nothing other than what he said was, quote, “leaving a bunch of dead people.” Meanwhile, Kamala Harris's campaign apparently unsatisfied with continuing to drag around Dick and Liz Cheney, released a new ad featuring the wise words of John Bolton, the person who is almost certainly the most psychotic and unhinged warmonger to reach national office in the last several decades. Perhaps only John McCain and Lindsey Graham compete with him for that title. The Harris campaign continues to be shaped and driven by reliance on the support of some of the worst sociopaths of the D.C. swamp and the military-industrial complex. When one views the ideology and policies of the Democratic Party that all makes sense and we’ll examine all of that.

Then: Both public polls and campaign internal polls continue to show the worst nightmare possible for the Democratic Party and the Harris campaign, namely the ongoing migration of both Latino voters and even Black voters, primarily Black men away from the Democratic Party and toward Donald Trump. We've actually seen this trend for several years now, even as the national media spends every day calling Donald Trump a white supremacist, but it has intensified over the last year with more and more nonwhite voters, signifying that they don't want to vote for the Democratic Party. While the Harris campaign reacts with desperate pandering or hectoring accusations of misogyny from Barack Obama, liberal media outlets like The New York Times do what they always do when they see nonwhite voters or other, quote-unquote, “marginalized groups” they believe they own failing to vote and think as they're told to do, namely, they unleash deeply racist screeds, arguing that these nonwhite voters are not coming to their own conclusions because of their own faculties, but instead are being manipulated and hypnotized by much smarter and more conniving influencers. We'll take a look at The New York Times latest attack, basically on the intelligence of nonwhite voters who refuse to do as they're told. 

And finally: Nick Cruse of the Revolutionary Black Out Network is one of the most vocal and incisive critics of the Democratic Party and its condescending tactics to deceive various groups of voters to believe that they're on their side. He is a friend of the show, he's been on before because of how great his commentary is, and he has a lot to say about Kamala's latest, desperate last-minute pandering, including her brand new agenda for the Black man and the blatantly false gestures she and her campaign and followers are now making on Israel and Gaza. He'll talk with us tonight about all of that and more. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now. 

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Weekly Recap

Welcome to the SYSTEM UPDATE recap: your weekend digest featuring everything we’ve covered throughout the previous week. 

Prefer to listen to your daily news analysis? A reminder that FULL episodes of SYSTEM UPDATE are available anywhere you listen to podcasts🎙️


Oct. 7: Whose Lives Matter Most & Least In The Middle East? Hillary Latest Dem To Demand Online Censorship

On the one-year anniversary of Oct. 7th, Israel and the U.S. continue to spread deliberate lies to justify the destruction of Gaza, and corporate media fixates on Israeli deaths while ignoring the widespread suffering in Gaza. Censorship threats from Dems escalate, and Hillary told CNN that there needs to be online censorship or else “we lose total control.” 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (11:52)

Israel Escalates Middle East War (19:31)

Oct. 7, One Year Later (34:01)

Pro-Censorship Democrats (1:23:00)

Outro (1:32:27)



Flashback: Glenn Retraces the 30-Year Domestic War on Civil Liberties that Launched Gore Vidal’s Political Transformation

In a special episode, Glenn breaks down how the U.S. security state monitors and censors the internet. Plus, he chronicles the political transformation of Gore Vidal and his championing of civil liberties in the midst of domestic war on dissent. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Abuses of the U.S. Security State (6:52)

War on Terror (14:54)

War on Dissent (35:10)

Credits (1:12:22)



Kamala Can't State Differences From Biden; X Back In Brazil; Report Emerges About U.S. Role In Destroying Nord Stream

Kamala Harris fails to state the difference between her and Biden, exposing the vapid nature of her political campaign. X planned to return to Brazil after complying with the government’s repressive demands. A new report reveals the role that the United States played in the Nord Stream pipeline explosion, after U.S. media and officials tried to blame the industrial sabotage on Russia. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (11:51) 

No Difference? (21:19) 

Elon Musk Folds to Pressure (57:20)

New Revelations About Nord Stream Attack (1:17:05)

Outro (1:40:14)



U.S. Journalist Arrested, Charged In Israel; Kamala's Highly Curated Univision "Town Hall"

American independent journalist Jeremy Loffredo was arrested by Israel for “aiding and abetting the enemy,” all due to his reporting on the impact of Iran's ballistic missiles. Journalist Dan Cohen breaks down the arrest of Jeremy Loffredo in Israel. Michael Tracey joins after attending Kamala’s “Town Hall” in Las Vegas and exposes the lie behind the “undecided” voters. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (6:24)

Israeli Attacks on American Citizens (12:21)

Interview with Journalist Dan Cohen (38:05)

Kamala’s “Town Hall” with Michael Tracey (59:15)

Outro (1:17:54)


Supporters-Only After-Show After-Show for Thursday, October 10

We moved to Locals for our supporters-only, interactive after-show where Glenn shared his thoughts on some audience questions and comments, including this question about Julian Assange: 


Available for paid supporters: HERE 

Want to join us every Tuesday and Thursday for this supporter-exclusive, live after-show? Become a paid supporter here



New Documentary On The Destruction Of Gaza: Interview With Director Richard Sanders

Richard Sanders, director of the new Al Jazeera documentary “War Crimes in Gaza,” talks in-depth about the film and reveals some shocking revelations about Israel’s ongoing destruction of Gaza. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (6:41)

Interview with Richard Sanders (11:23)

“War Crimes in Gaza” Clip (53:35)

Outro (1:10:07)

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