Glenn Greenwald
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The Israel-Gaza War & US Policy Toward It
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October 10, 2023
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It's Monday, October 9. 

Tonight: War between Israel and the Palestinians, both in the West Bank and Gaza, has existed for decades, sometimes actively and sometimes latently. One of the most dangerous and intense stages of this war exploded just over 48 hours ago when the group that has ruled Gaza since 2006, Hamas, invaded Israel by land, by sea, and even by air, using hang gliders armed with machine guns to fly over the border fence separating Gaza from Israel within hours. They killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, many of whom died from civilian massacres, gunning down young people at an all-night rave as it was ending or entering family homes and shooting men, women and children. At least dozens of Israelis were abducted and taken as hostages back to Gaza. Israel now places the death toll at more than 900 citizens, with more than 1700 wounded. Hamas announced that four hostages have already died in the Israeli airstrikes and has threatened to execute hostages and post the video online in response to large numbers of civilian deaths in Gaza. 

Meanwhile, as has happened so many times before, Israel, the following day began bombing from the air and reducing to rubble entire buildings and towers in Gaza, the tiny strip of land that is home to 2.2 million Palestinians, the majority of whom are 18 years of age or younger, and who are physically blockaded by both Israel and Egypt from leaving that tiny strip of land. An Israeli ground invasion of Gaza is imminent. Israel's defense minister, Yoav Gallant, ordered, “a complete siege” on the Gaza Strip, saying Israeli authorities would cut electricity, and water and would block the entry of fuel. He said in a video statement: “No electricity, no food, no water, no gas. It's all closed.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went to X, formerly known as Twitter, earlier today, just a few hours ago, to post a video showing the Israeli Air Force bombing and destroying large high rises in Gaza City, sometimes with one bomb destroying several towers at once. 

The Biden administration immediately did what American administrations and both parties have done for decades whenever Israel is involved in hostilities, namely, announce various forms of assistance to its close ally in the Middle East, including weapons and large amounts of money for Israel's intended military action. With a tiny handful of exceptions – and I mean a tiny handful –, members of both political parties in Washington vowed steadfast and unstinting support for Israel and condemned Hamas's actions, particularly those aimed at civilians. 

The risk of escalation and wider regional conflict is very high and very self-evident. There have already been gunfire exchanges between the IDF and Hezbollah, the militia and political party based in southern Lebanon that has previously engaged in bloody and protracted battles with Israel. The Wall Street Journal cited anonymous sources from Hamas to claim that Iran directly participated in the planning of these attacks, though the U.S. government denies knowledge of any information confirming that obviously inflammatory claim. Israeli tourists were shot and killed in Egypt due to their nationality, and several Arab states have already firmly sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for these hostilities, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia, with whom Israel had been hoping to conclude a peace deal brokered by the Biden administration. This is a volatile region in the best of times, making the risk of escalation quite obvious and quite dangerous. 

When it comes to U.S. political debates, there's always been a paradox, or two paradoxes, actually, when it comes to Israel. The first is that there are few debates, if there are any, that provoke as much emotion, passion, anger, conviction and absolutism among Americans as conflicts involving this foreign country. There's more space to debate almost anything of that in the U.S., including policies that have a direct effect on Americans, even American wars, than there is space to discuss and debate questions involving Israel, especially when, as is obviously true now, passions are running extremely high. The second paradox is that there is far more criticism of the Israeli government and far more debate over Israel's actions in Israel than there is in the United States. One needs only read an Israeli newspaper or listen to an Israeli news broadcast to see how much more vibrant the debates are about their own country than they are in the United States. 

Unless one firmly plants oneself on one side of this war or the other, and then proceeds to unquestioningly affirm every last premise of that side by, for instance, arguing that anything and everything Palestinians do is justifiable in order to resist the occupation of the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza – even including deliberately massacring civilians –, or by arguing that anything and everything Israel does is justified in the name of stopping Palestinian attacks on their country – including mass indiscriminate bombing of civilian infrastructure – then, one is bound to anger a certain portion of one's audience.

 We fully realize that delving into this topic can be a thankless task. It often is, but we also strongly believe that the audience we have attracted and cultivated does not come to the show or my journalism, expecting to always have their most closely held views, flattered and unquestioningly vindicated, but instead is not only willing but eager to sometimes have those views questioned and prodded and pushed a bit – provided it's done in a respectful, thoughtful and substantive manner. So that is what we are going to endeavor to do tonight. There is no other way. The United States is a direct participant in that region and all matters involving Israel, including this one. The potential consequences of this war are vast and grave. No matter how much one might wish to, there is no avoiding this topic, no avoiding this war. And ultimately, the only kind of journalism worth doing is one based on respect and trust for one's audience – that they seek, not full and reflexive and constant agreement, but fact-based and thoughtful analysis. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.

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You can find the entire episode below.

We apologize for this technical difficulty - thank you so much for your continued support.

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WEEKLY WEIGH-IN: New Week, New Program

Although Glenn is currently on vacation, SYSTEM UPDATE will continue with the help of talented guest hosts such as Briahna Joy Gray, Michael Tracey, and more.

This post will be pinned to our profile for the remainder of this week, so comment below with your questions, insights, future topic ideas/guest recommendations, etc. Let’s get a conversation going!

Michael Tracey will host and address a variety of questions in our supporters-only After-Shows sometime this week, so be on the lookout.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

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I just wanted to express that I like Michael Tracy as a host. I started to appreciate his persona when I saw how he skillfully asked questions at the RNC that would have been greeted with "how dare you ask me this obvious question" when asked by others. The only area of improvement he needs to replace Glenn is he needs work on adding a few 'aaannnnndds'.

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My favorite musical comedian when I was young. A class act. - JW

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Netanyahu's Speech To Congress; PLUS: Max Blumenthal on Israel
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Good evening. It's Wednesday, July 24. I'm Michael Tracey, filling in for Glenn Greenwald, who's probably laughing at me, at least in spirit, wherever he may be while he's away. 

Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel – you may have heard of him – was in Washington, DC, today, and delivered another one of his magnificent soaring addresses to a joint session of Congress that predictably evoked mass adulation and euphoria. So, we will review the fallout in graphic and possibly sarcastic detail. 

Next, we will talk to the president of the Heritage Foundation to discuss the much-buzzed-about Project 2025. This is a document that's become a major bone of contention in the 2024 presidential campaign. Already, some aspects of that plan or project that you probably won't hear discussed very much anywhere else in the so-called mainstream media, but I'll take care of that for you. 

And finally, we'll be joined by journalist Max Blumenthal, hopefully well known to many of you out there on the internet who's been surveying the wreckage out there in Washington, DC at the Netanyahu address or in the perimeter anyway, and he'll tell us about all the insane security protocols that I understand have been imposed to ensure a wonderfully smooth visit for the prime minister of our greatest ally, that being the Jewish state. 

For now, welcome to a new edition of System Update, starting right now.

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Untangling Fact From Fiction with Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts

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Interview with Kevin Roberts


And so that's something to perhaps ponder. And, with that, we wanted to move to an interview with the president of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts, who is somebody of interest, because the Heritage Foundation has been in the news quite a bit recently. The document that the think tank produced, called colloquially and referred to as “Project 2025,” has become a major point of contestation among the Republicans and Democrats as it relates to the 2024 campaign. My working sense is that there are many aspects of that document, which I actually took the liberty of reading. At least large portions of that have not really been discussed much in the so-called mainstream media. So, glad to be joined by, Kevin Roberts. 


M. Tracey: Hello, sir. 


Kevin Roberts: Michael. Thanks for having me. Looking forward to an intellectually honest conversation. Whatever someone's political beliefs are about “Project 2025.” So, thanks for having me. 


M. Tracey: I appreciate that. So, if you listen to the chatter and much of the liberal-oriented media, obviously they've converted Project 2025 into what they think is going to be their gold mine of an attack line against Donald Trump and the Republicans writ large. And, I did something, I guess, a bit unusual by media standards, which is I read the document and there are portions of it that stood out to me as really guiding, getting no discussion whatsoever, at least as far as I've ascertained and those, for me, anyway, have to do with, national security and foreign policy. So, I want to discuss a few of those items with you, if you don't mind. 


So, obviously, some recommendations are made in terms of how to reorganize the bureaucracy, the federal government, including the intelligence services and one prescription that is made is that section 702 of FISA, the Surveillance Act, ought to be renewed and reauthorized and that's been fairly controversial, including among the right, because, you know, the Fourth Amendment requires a warrant, and this authority is seen as authorizing warrantless surveillance and only barely passed the House in April, in terms of renewal. I think, actually, Speaker Johnson cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of that reauthorization of FISA. So, the section of Project 2025 that I'm referring to here, says that section 702 should be understood as a:



And so, it says that these authorizations need to be properly maintained and accountable, but that they should be retained nonetheless. So, what is your sense of what Project 2025 proposes for that particular authority, FISA? It's been controversial throughout the Trump administration. Trump has criticized certain aspects of it as having been abused. But the fundamental authority the document does propose be retained. 


Kevin Roberts: Yes. Thanks so much for this conversation. We need to have more discourse like this in the United States, regardless of someone's political beliefs. So, I'm really grateful to answer the question about the policy detail. And, Michael, I'll make two points. One, from the standpoint of Project 2025, what you've read there is what's in the mandate for leadership book “The Conservative Promise,” this conservative policy manual, if you will. And keep in mind, we wrote that two years ago, so well before the most recent vote on the issue. The second point that I'll make is we do believe that the underlying authority of Section 702 should continue to exist, but especially those of us at the Heritage Foundation, which has facilitated this project, believe that there need to be very stringent serious amendments added to that. And so, during the last legislative, In the last legislative fight. Heritage. Of course, just one part of Project 2025, was vocal about some of these amendments being added to the bill so that we could better protect innocent Americans. All of that to say that this has been extended into what would be the next presidential term, and either for Mr. Trump or it looks like, you know, Ms. Harris, the nominee for the left. And I think at that point, we'll have the conversation about making those amendments again so that we can better protect the Fourth Amendment. 


M. Tracey:  Because also on the intelligence community, which again, raised a bit of a paradox for me because I've seen a lot of like people who on the right online who are actually in favor of Project 2025, anticipating that what's so great about it is that it will fundamentally overhaul the intelligence services and maybe combat the deep state, which has become a main theme among, you know, among right-wing discourse. And also Donald Trump obviously rails against it because he feels understandably aggrieved by elements of the National Security State that use unprecedented tactics to undermine him, whether it was through the Russia investigation, the Mueller special counsel investigation, etc., in his 2016 campaign. And then also in the early part of his first term, I want to just read a quote here. Here's what Project 2025 prescribes for the intelligence community.


That seems like the purpose of these bureaucratic reorganizations that are being proposed is to better entrench American primacy, right?, to better expand American hegemony, and to combat alleged adversaries, which is very much in keeping with the standard mission of the intelligence services. Whatever tweaks you might want to make around the margins of how it's bureaucratically organized, would that be a fair summation? 

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Briahna Joy Gray on Dems Against Democracy, Biden's Gaza Problem, Ken Klippenstein: Should Biden Step Down as President?; Michael Tracey Joins as Guest Host
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Good evening. It's Tuesday, July 23. Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday to Friday, at 7 p.m. Eastern, exclusively on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube, by your esteemed host, Glenn Greenwald, who is out on vacation this week, and it really is an honor and a pleasure for me to try to fill his very big shoes as guest host today. 

If you're not familiar with me from past appearances on System Update, my name is Briahna Joy Gray, I host my own podcast called “Bad Faith” and until recently co-hosted The Hills show “Rising,” before I was censored for reporting news that was critical of Israel. Prior to my own show, I worked as the national press secretary for the Bernie 2020 campaign, and before that, I worked with Glenn at The Intercept. And like Glenn, I started my career as a lawyer, practicing in New York for about seven years before leaving to become a journalist. So, I felt very supported by Glenn early in my career and considered him to be one of the most ideologically consistent, intelligent, insightful, and courageous voices in the space. So really, it is a pleasure for me to be here with you today. 

Coming up today on the show we’ll be covering the Democrats' anti-democratic maneuvering to oust Biden and replace him with Kamala Harris, and how the group of politicians that sold themselves as the “anti-establishment left” have really shown themselves to be frauds in many respects, especially Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. 

We're also going to assess whether Kamala solves Biden's Gaza problem, that is, his unpopular handling of the war in Palestine, before being joined by independent journalist Ken Klippenstein, who has written a recent Substack post asking whether Joe Biden resign all together now if he’s too unfit to finish out his presidential campaign. 

Stick around after that, because Michael Tracey will be taking over as guest host to conduct an interview with Ro Khanna. I understand Ro Khanna is the first Democrat to come on System Update, so that's bound to be a really good interview.

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now. 

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