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Good evening. It's Monday, October 23.
Tonight: We have long documented that a weapon that is central – not ancillary, but central – to the entire Democratic Party, one they have repeatedly defended and demanded the expansion of, is the power to force social media companies to censor political speech in accordance with the agenda of Democrats. They have made no secret of their commitment to this censorship power: they frequently boast of it publicly, threaten Big Tech executives with legal and regulatory reprisals for failure to obey and now explicitly defend the CIA, FBI and DHS as noble for their parallel attempts to coerce tech companies to censor political speech the U.S. security state dislikes or find threatening – which happens to coincide with what the Democratic Party dislikes.
Just two months ago, an appellate court ruled that the Biden White House and the FBI by coercing, threatening and effectively forcing Big Tech platforms to censor for them, had committed one of the gravest and most drastic attacks on the First Amendment free speech guarantee in the nation's history. Yet that scathing ruling has evidently not deterred congressional Democrats from pursuing these coercive censorship schemes in the slightest.
Just late last week, Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar and Democratic Representative Joseph Morelle, of New York, wrote a letter to Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos that argues that free speech sites are spreading “disinformation.” It's like the liberal Madlib to fill in their pro-censorship template, and they strongly implied that they want those sites Rumble and Substack particularly banned from all Amazon services. The entire letter rests on a Washington Post article which, citing self-proclaimed disinformation experts, claims that Rumble and Substack, which are known for refusing to censor dissidents and critics of liberal orthodoxy that they're too permissive of free speech to permit the Internet to be safe.
As always, we yet again find the same component arms of the industrial censorship regime, so-called “disinformation experts,” funded by the same handful of neoliberal billionaires and intelligence agencies, accuse free speech sites of allowing dangerous speech, meaning sites that won't censor on command. Liberal corporate media outlets like The Washington Post then amplify those accusations as true and then Democratic lawmakers seize on those media reports to demand censorship of their political enemies, citing those disinformation experts as gospel, that these sites are allowing dangerous speech to be heard, that they continue to do this, not only continue, but celebrate themselves for it, even after this appellate court ruling shows how lawless and fanatical they are when it comes to suppress dissent to their propaganda.
Then: over the last two weeks, we have documented on several occasions the disturbing and even unprecedented attempts to abuse the force of law to ban dissent from the policies of Joe Biden and EU states when it comes to the war between Israel and Gaza, countries like France, which have announced an agenda of full support for Israel, have imposed a nationwide ban on all pro-Palestinian protest, even while protests that align with France's policies, namely pro-Israel protest, are fully permissible campaigns that seek to ensure the firing of any critics of Israel, which to me at least resemble almost completely the so-called cancel culture. Campaigns, long criticized by the right, have now become commonplace, often cheered on by the very people who spent years denouncing them. As this war grinds on, as it's about to escalate with the ground invasion into Gaza by Israel, the censorship and cancellation campaigns are dangerously increasing, not diminishing and we'll tell you about the latest and why these are so dangerous.
Finally, a new and quite explosive report in Brazil today revealed that for the year 2019 to 2021, Brazil's domestic spying agency ABIN, was illegally spying against both me and my husband, David Miranda, who at the time was a member of Congress opposed to the Bolsonaro government. This revelation is based on leaks from the federal police and dominated headlines in Brazil for obvious reasons. It would be as if we learned that the FBI and CIA were illegally spying on the phones and emails of antipodean journalists or members of the House Republican Caucus. I'll share some thoughts tonight about this new report and what it reveals about secret state powers, generally, and the dangers of domestic spying, specifically; what the function of journalism is and how you recognize a real journalist from a servant of centers of power.
For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.