Glenn Greenwald
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🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲Happy Independence Day, Americans!🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 I'm kind of a patriotic nerd, so I always like to reflect on this letter John Adams wrote on the first Independence Day:
“[Independence Day] will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more. You will think me transported with Enthusiasm but I am not. I am well aware of the Toil and Blood and Treasure, that it will cost Us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the Gloom I can see the Rays of ravishing Light and Glory. I can see that the End is more than worth all the Means. And that Posterity will tryumph in that Days Transaction, even altho We should rue it, which I trust in God We shall not.”
― John Adams, The Letters of John and Abigail Adams

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CLIP: Glenn Greenwald Debates Alan Dershowitz on Iran

Glenn warns against waging wars during last week’s debate against Alan Dershowitz on whether the U.S. should strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Glenn argues: “We don't go around the world attacking other countries or trying to remove their government because we want to give those people freedom and democracy. We only [attack] when we see a government that doesn't do our bidding."

We are grateful to The Soho Forum and Reason for hosting the spirited debate. You can listen to the full debate here:

Watch Tonight's Monologue

Due to a connection issue, our stream was cut short tonight.
You can find the entire episode below.

We apologize for this technical difficulty - thank you so much for your continued support.

Listen to this Article: Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted

For years, U.S. officials and their media allies accused Russia, China and Iran of tyranny for demanding censorship as a condition for Big Tech access. Now, the U.S. is doing the same to TikTok. Listen below.

Listen to this Article: Reflecting New U.S. Control of TikTok's Censorship, Our Report Criticizing Zelensky Was Deleted
WEEKLY WEIGH-IN: Let us know!

What’s happening in politics that you want to talk about? Are there any burning topics you think Glenn needs to cover? Any thoughts you’d like to share?

This post will be pinned to our profile for the remainder of this week, so comment below anytime with your questions, insights, future topic ideas/guest recommendations, etc. Let’s get a conversation going!

Glenn will respond to a few comments here—and may even address some on our next supporters-only After Show.

Thank you so much for your continued support through another week of SYSTEM UPDATE with Glenn Greenwald!

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Russel Brand had Col MacGregor on and he made some very keen points:

DC is inhabited by ideologues foreign policy wise who will not change or adapt and need to be thrown out of office.

US presence internationally is transitory while the people who live there live there permanently as are the consequences there.

Modern international foreign policy dates back to the Spanish-American War.

US involvement in WWI was due to fear that Germany and Austria-Hungary would win and the financial assistance given to Britain and France would not be repaid. In short, all wars are bankers wars.

The neocon myth is based on the results of Germany and Japan post WWII, however in both cases, the US respected the nations in question and they had functioning institutions. Neocons seek to create such institutions out of thin air.

The same neocons who seek to drive the US into enter countless wars seek to de-nationalize the US, to erase US identity. Parallels with the Bolsheviks are drawn.

Internationalists ...


Blondie - Call Me, Live 1982, Remastered Audio

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Supreme Neocon Warmonger Anne Applebaum Awarded Peace Prize

As we take a break for the Fourth of July holidays, find below an article by Harrison Berger, one of the producers on our team, about the extreme and telling irony that one of America’s most relentless warmongers, neocon pundit Anne Applebaum, was just awarded a peace prize. We will be back with our regularly-scheduled show on Monday, July 8th.

By Harrison Berger

It is not unusual for a warmonger to be awarded a prestigious peace prize - in fact it’s become something of a tradition. Back in 2009, for instance, Barack Obama collected his Nobel Peace Prize while greenlighting a 30,000 troop surge for the US War in Afghanistan - one of the many wars he escalated despite his 2008 campaign promise that he would not. Henry Kissinger was famously given the same award. Though not as prestigious as that award, the academic and columnist Anne Applebaum received her own peace prize last week. 

"At a time when democratic values and achievements are increasingly being caricatured and attacked, her work embodies an eminent and indispensable contribution to the preservation of democracy and peace," the award description said of Applebaum.

Anne Applebaum winning awards for peace is like fast food companies winning awards for promoting weight loss. Pick any major US war of the past 20 years and she’s supported it. 

Her career trajectory is a gateway to understanding not only the hollowness behind these establishment awards but more importantly how corporate media functions to propel people like Anne Applebaum upward. 

Starting at The Economist and later moving upward to the editorial board of The Washington Post, Applebaum currently writes for The Atlantic, a paper owned by Steve Jobs’ widow and managed by Jeffrey Goldberg, famous for his award winning 2003 propaganda, which claimed to have linked Al Qaeda with Saddam Hussein. Fellow byliners at Applebaum’s magazine include Russia hawk Tom Nichols, Bush speechwriter David Frum, and Bush state department alumni Eliot A. Cohen, producing a neocon editorial line that is indistinguishable from that of The Weekly Standard in its heyday. And the function of both papers - The Atlantic and The Weekly Standard - is the same: to cheerlead and drum up support for America’s foreign conflicts. 

Perhaps no magazine has done more than Goldberg’s and Applebaum’s to support America’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, despite the fact that the war is killing a generation of men who are being conscripted against their will, in a country that has suspended elections, banned media, and begun rounding up its own citizens off the streets. 

Back in May of 2023, The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg and Anne Applebaum were the leading voices along with people like Max Boot and David Petreus at The Washington Post to insist that Ukraine was well prepared for its vaunted counteroffensive and that the United States should dump money into supporting it.

Uniquely, the United States has the power to determine how, and how quickly, the war of attrition turns into something quite different. Over the next few months, as the Ukrainians take their best shot at winning the war, the democratic world will have to decide whether to help them do so. The fate of NATO, of America’s position in Europe, indeed of America’s position in the world are all at stake.”

That counteroffensive was a sluggish battle of attrition which quickly turned into a slaughter. There was no reason to believe that the campaign would be successful - the Russians were completely dug in. And yet from such a far distance from the front lines, Anne Applebaum and Jeffrey Goldberg definitively pronounced to readers of The Atlantic that the counteroffensive would succeed and that it was worth sending off a generation of young Ukrainian men for. 

Looking through her bibliography, it becomes apparent why a paper like Jeffrey Goldberg’s The Atlantic is the perfect home for Anne Applebaum and all the fabulous foreign policy ideas she’s proposed over the years.

In 2002, Israel pummeled Gaza with bombs (a good reminder that the current conflict did not begin on October 7), targeting dense civilian centers. One of the targets of that campaign - much like the targets of Israel’s current campaign - was the press, and in January of 2002, Israel destroyed Gaza’s main radio station, Voice of Palestine. While free press groups like the Committee to Protect Journalists condemned the destruction of the radio stations, Anne Applebaum offered her passionate endorsement of the attack in an article for Slate titled “Kill the Messenger: Why Palestine radio and TV studios are fair targets in the Palestine/Israeli war.” This is what she said:

—the official Palestinian media is the right place for Israel to focus its ire. In fact, in the reporting of the Middle East conflict, which almost always focuses on yesterday’s violence and today’s body count, the crucial role of the Voice of Palestine—the official broadcasting arm of the Palestinian Authority—has often been overlooked. Nor is the problem just radio and television. If you want to understand why the Oslo peace process failed, or where suicide martyrs come from, it is worth taking a closer look at all the Palestinian Authority’s official media….


Establishing a credible media will be, for the Palestinians, part of what it takes to establish a credible state. Until then, the Voice of Palestine will remain what it has become: a combatant—and therefore a legitimate target—in a painful, never-ending, low-intensity war."

Anne Applebaum advised that Israel treat journalists as “combatants” and “legitimate targets,” and ultimately, Israel agreed, and has been routinely targeting the press in all of its wars through its current one, which CPJ notes is the deadliest conflict for journalists on record. But advocating that militaries target the press is just one of Anne Applebaum’s many “indispensable contributions to the preservation of democracy and peace” (to quote her prize description). Another “contribution” can be found 10 months later in October of 2002 when, notably much earlier than most liberals at the time, Applebaum called for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and the invasion of Iraq.

Although I dislike the modern tendency to compare every mad dictator to Hitler, in this narrow sense, the comparison to Saddam might be apt. Are you sure Saddam would not risk the destruction of his country, if he thought, for some reason, that he or his regime was in danger? Do you want to wait and find out?...We really don’t know whether deterrence will work in the case of Iraq. Megalomaniacal tyrants do not always behave in the way rational people do, and to assume otherwise is folly.


If I have any real qualms about the potential war in Iraq, they are not so much about the central issue—should we fight or should we not (I think, with caveats, that we should be prepared to do so)—but about the peculiar way in which the administration has until now gone about making its case for the war."

To reiterate, Anne Applebaum had no opposition to the question of “should we fight or not,” but rather, “about the way in which the administration” had presented the case for war. Presumably, if she were Bush, she simply would have made a better power point presentation to argue for that war which, let’s remember, killed over a million people, spilled over into neighboring countries, and spawned ISIS.

In 2016, the by that point established peace activist Anne Applebaum took to The Washington Post to mourn what she called “The disastrous nonintervention in Syria.” 

Maybe a U.S.-British-French intervention would have ended in disaster. If so, we would today be mourning the consequences. But sometimes it’s important to mourn the consequences of nonintervention too. Three years on, we do know, after all, exactly what nonintervention has produced: 


Estimates of war casualties range from about 155,000 to 400,000, depending on who is counted…According to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), there were 4.8 million registered Syrian refugees as of Aug. 16…the country has been destroyed. Schools and hospitals have been leveled."

Notably, the casualty range she provides for the Syrian conflict is roughly half of the total of those killed in the Iraq War, which as we just saw, she proudly stood with hardline neocons like Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney to support. But more importantly, the account of events that Applebaum provides here, is pure fiction. When she uses the conditional tense to say things like “intervention would have ended,” like x, or uses phrases such as “our disastrous nonintervention,” I honestly do not know what she is talking about. Her article takes place in a universe so far from our own that I’m convinced this may be Applebaum’s attempt at science fiction.

Despite her misleading headline, the US government did intervene in Syria - that has been thoroughly documented by every mainstream outlet. The New York Times for instance, reported 7 months before Applebaum’s column in an article titled “U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels” that “Obama secretly authorized the Central Intelligence Agency to begin arming Syria’s embattled rebels in 2013,” and that 

Mr. Obama gave his approval for the C.I.A. to begin directly arming and training the rebels from a base in Jordan, amending the Timber Sycamore program to allow lethal assistance. Under the new arrangement, the C.I.A. took the lead in training, while Saudi Arabia’s intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Directorate, provided money and weapons, including TOW anti-tank missiles.”

That Anne Applebaum wields Syrian conflict casualty statistics as an argument for more war, while deliberately concealing the US role in producing those statistics, shows just how desperate Applebaum is to send other people’s children to fight in foreign conflicts.  

Really, the thing that stood out most when reading through the backlog of Applebaum’s articles is the bizarre blindspot she has for much of recent history. At first glance her approach appeared to be deliberately cherry picking events in order to downplay the role of the US in shaping much of the suffering in the world. But reading even more of Applebaum , it becomes clear that what she writes is a reflection of a much more serious mental pathology - one shared by many elites. It has become a common tactic of establishment elites to project the blame of domestic failures on foreign governments. That was the whole point of Russiagate conspiracy theories in 2016, of which Applebaum was a fanatical supporter. This elite pathology is maybe best represented in one of Applebaum’s latest articles for The Atlantic where she explains her theory for who is to blame for a decline in America's global standing and popularity, (Spoiler alert: it’s Russia and China!)

…the story of how Africans—as well as Latin Americans, Asians, and indeed many Europeans and Americans—have come to spout Russian propaganda about Ukraine is not primarily a story of European colonial history, Western policy, or the Cold War. Rather, it involves China’s systematic efforts to buy or influence both popular and elite audiences around the world; carefully curated Russian propaganda campaigns, some open, some clandestine, some amplified by the American and European far right; and other autocracies using their own networks to promote the same language."

Anne Applebaum’s writing should not be studied by political scientists, it should be studied by psychiatrists; the level of delusion on display here is remarkable. This is a royal member of the US foreign policy elite, whose signature policy has been intervention around the world and support for despised and outcast governments like Israel. I just showed you all the wars she’s advocated for in just a 20 year period. And when confronted with bubbling anger and bitterness toward her country from the rest of the world, Anne Appplebaum is incapable of making a cause and effect connection between that resentment and the US foreign policy she has successfully cheerled. Rather, Applebaum insists that the  “Africans—as well as Latin Americans, Asians, and indeed many Europeans and Americans” are the victims of “Russian propaganda campaigns,” and “China’s systematic efforts to buy or influence” them. In other words, implies Applebaum, Africans, Latin Americans, Asians, and some Westerners don’t really harbor any resentment for American foreign policy at all, they only feel that way because of a Russian and Chinese propaganda campaign which, apparently, they are too stupid to notice, unlike the wise and educated Anne Applebaum, who sees the propaganda campaign with clear eyes and benevolently offers to unshackle the minds of people in the third world. 

That such a deranged and delusional person has advocated so many terrible and destructive policies only to move upward in corporate media is not surprising (advocating destructive policies and success are directly correlated in Washington). That she wins awards for peace should make you disregard these sorts of establishment awards completely.

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Presidential Immunity's Long History; Hysteria Radically Distorts SCOTUS Ruling; Dem Oligarchs Forcing Biden Out of 2024 Race
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Good evening. It's Wednesday, July 3. 

Tonight: the top story dominating our politics for obviously understandable reasons, is the massive, multi-pronged pressure being applied by multiple power centers to force a sitting President, Joe Biden, out of the election and possibly even out of the White House, despite his obvious and genuine desire to remain. We'll examine the various democratic implications of all of that in a few minutes. But before we get to that, the Supreme Court last week issued a ruling regarding the scope of presidential immunity relating to criminal prosecution in the context of the attempt by Jack Smith and the Justice Department to prosecute Donald Trump for his behavior after the 2020 election. 

This is the first time in history that the Supreme Court or any court had to address this specific question and the reason for that is an obvious fact, namely, never before in our nation's history has any president been criminally prosecuted, either during their presidency or after. We'll leave it to you to ask whether that's because no American president before Trump has ever violated the law while in office or if this is yet another instance of longstanding and unquestioning American traditions and norms being disregarded in the singular name of Donald Trump. Whatever is true about that, it is vital to engage in a sober, careful and accurate analysis of what this ruling said, both because it is an important decision in its own right, but also because I have rarely – if ever – seen a Supreme Court decision be so deliberately distorted, misrepresented, exaggerated and hysterically maligned as the one issued by the court last week in Trump v. United States. 

I say that not because I am a fan of or supporter of presidential immunity. The exact opposite is true. One could say, without exaggeration, that opposition to presidential immunity under criminal law was one of the two or three issues I focused on most during the first decade of my journalism. It was one of the reasons I started writing about politics in the first place. I wrote two books, my first one in 2006 and especially the one in 2011, which were devoted to denouncing the evils and dangers of immunizing the president and other high officials from the mandates of the law to which all other citizens are subjected. But that's exactly my point. To hear the liberal punditocracy and the corporate media tell it one would believe that presidents before last week were held fully accountable under the law, in the same way that every other citizen is, and that presidents always have been held accountable for their crimes, all this noble fairy tale about the American justice to come to an abrupt and tragic end when a fanatically conservative Supreme Court turned centuries of tradition and precedent, uplifting American tradition on its head solely to protect Donald Trump, both from his past crimes as well as to enable future crimes he wants to commit if he returns to the White House. 

That really is the dominant narrative. And to call that narrative grossly misleading and an insult to our intelligence is to understate its transgressions. There has for decades been a virtual unit of virtually universal consensus among Washington elites, in both parties and the media that a president should never – must never – be prosecuted for any crimes they commit while in office. Any time anyone proposed over the last several decades that presidents be prosecuted for the crimes they have committed, both media and political leaders have acted with horror, insisting that only in Third World “banana republics,” as they call them, presidents are prosecuted by successor governments. 

Indeed, what the Supreme Court ruled last week bears almost no resemblance to what has become accepted dogma about what the court did. At worst, one can say that the Supreme Court last week merely formalized a form of presidential immunity that in practice has, for better or worse – and I think it's for the worse – dominated and governed Washington for decades, if not longer. But the reality is that the court's ruling was actually far more partial, nuanced and ambiguous than almost all media counts and hysterical denouncement have suggested. It's more nuanced than the way Washington has treated presidential immunity for the last several decades. And we'll demonstrate why that is the case with a careful analysis of what the court did and did not say. 

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now. 

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Weekly Recap

Welcome to the SYSTEM UPDATE recap: your weekend digest featuring everything we’ve covered throughout the previous week. 

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U.S./Russia Tensions Escalate Over Ukraine to Most Dangerous Level Yet; Julian Assange Finally Free; PLUS: Journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson on Israeli Influence Campaign on U.S. Campuses

Russia holds responsible and threatens the U.S. over the civilian attack in Crimea as the war in Ukraine escalates. Wikileaks founder and reporter Julian Assange has been freed from prison after agreeing to a plea deal with the U.S. government. Investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson explain their new story which shows just how influential the Israeli lobby is on U.S. college campuses. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE

Full interview: HERE




Intro (10:06)

Dangerous Escalation (16:18)

Plea Deal Reached (43:02)

Interview with Lee Fang & Jack Poulson (1:02:41)

Continued: Plea Deal Reached (1:34:46)

Outro (1:37:08)



Myths and Lies About Julian Assange Endure After Plea Deal Reached Securing His Freedom

Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder and journalist, has been freed from Belmarsh prison in the UK and heads to the U.S. territory of Saipan to plead guilty to a felony charge. In light of the media’s reaction, we wanted to review the facts and the fiction surrounding this iconic hero and prophet of journalism.


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (8:42)

Assange is Finally Free (15:17)

Outro (1:13:51)



CNN’s Kasie Hunt Has Humiliating Meltdown Ahead of Biden-Trump Debate; SCOTUS Protects Biden Administration's Social Media Censorship Program from Review

CNN’s host Kasie Hunt's humiliating pre-debate meltdown reveals the corporate media’s pathologies. The SCOTUS protects the Biden administration’s social media censorship by reversing the original 6-3 majority ruling because these plaintiffs had no “standing to sue.” 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (8:43)

Revealing Pre-Debate Spectacle (15:44)

SCOTUS Shields Censorship Program (47:04)

Outro (1:25:10)


CNN Debate Recap - Thursday, June 27

We moved to Locals for our supporters-only, interactive after-show where Glenn shared his thoughts on the first presidential debate of 2024:

Available for paid supporters here

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Debate Forces Corporate Media to Admit Biden Impairment After Months of Lies; SCOTUS, Including Justice Jackson, Overturns Excessive Jan. 6 Prosecutions

After months of lies, the presidential debate – hosted by CNN in Atlanta – forces the corporate media to admit the humiliating truth: Biden is no longer fit for office. The theory that allowed many Jan. 6 protestors to be convicted as felons is overruled by the SCOTUS, we examine the findings and implications from these cases. 


Full transcript available for paid supporters: HERE




Intro (12:10)

First Presidential Debate (18:20)

Obvious Decline (23:50)

SCOTUS Overturns Jan 6 Excesses (1:11:00)

Outro (1:31:45)

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