"Lilly Phillips does 100 dudes: does it truly mean anything?" .. & .. "Did Planet Earth just factually Globalise: One World under American Rule?"
I asked myself a very heartless question: "Did Lilly Phillips even have a soul to lose in the first place; for if she had a soul in the first place, wouldn't she have not 'laid with 100 men in one day'..?' ..
.. meditating on this question might've just totally blown my mind like what math based fractal pattern art can do to you; I think I saw everything all at once, from the everyday lives of average individual people to the grand scheme of what's behind everything that has been happening on Earth up to these times we're living now. No words could paint a full enough picture of what I've just seen, my words below can only give the sleeping child within you a smell of breakfast and coffee as a way to inspire you to want to wake up and come to the kitchen, where you will eat, then you will help cook, or do dishes so the next the next person will wake, eat, and have an easier time being more godly.
It's a beautiful future full of hard work that brings so much collective prosperity. I have to say it, I definitely think universal basic income just for being alive is definitely the best way to promote the increased baby births that will be needed to allow our world to have many more hands, which will so obviously be needed to make all the upcoming mega projects / future hard work feel lighter upon each individual future soul that is about to come into our world.
A Catholic like myself knows that I can not ask a very judgmental question without instantly having to look in the mirror, for I myself, perhaps not so much in the world of 'in person sex', but I have definitely had moments of temporary regret, as I wondered where my soul had gone off to in those moments right before I had done all those stupid things of my youth.
Where does the soul go right before any of us agree to watch porn? Why shouldn't we watch porn; like, what's the well explained, fully delineated, total truth about 'what happens to us / what's the result' of watching porn? If you have a strong enough soul, or at least a level of faith to know your animal side will never have total control over you forever, can you watch more porn, or even partake in the creation of porn without too many serious side effects?
I know Jesus Christ says in the Bible "be mature in good, and immature in evil" so it does seem to me that 'if you had a high enough level of truth & morality / a higher level of total truth' then your sins aren't really sins for you know the actions cannot truly harm you, and obviously you would know enough to at least try to avoid harming any others.
Would we be accurate enough in saying 'The Human soul is that which recognizes the truth, the truth helps us to live more prosperously / to live longer; conversely the human animal spirit is what moves us to take risks whenever the truth isn't readily present'?
If it's true that 'The human soul recognizes what's true, as if our soul is in fact our true self, thus the word sanity instantly gets defined as one who knows to live as authentically as possible; and in absence of the truth, our human animal spirit can more easily manipulate ourselves into delusional and or wishful thinking, resulting in the creation of all manner of dreamt up, false persona's. Yada yada, Etc..' .. lol.. Trust me, this kind of thinking isn't actually important. But sadly we must still do it for now, but take heart, one day we won't have to anymore.
So then let's just ask it, 'Did Lilly Phillips actually expect to prove something about female empowerment, or had she simply allowed herself to be of a more scientifically unbiased mentality, like did she simply allow herself to take a risk to help all mankind better learn the truth about a piece of 'The Human Condition'? I also wonder another question, if the joy of lot's of sex is now simply an illusion, as proven by Lilly Phillips stunt, then is also the pain of lot's of sex also an illusion; or is this simply a statement said by all of us now totally ‘numb to punishment’ type of individuals? Have we all become a numbed out society or is in fact something else happening?
Can or will Lilly Phillips bounce back in some way; could all mankind oneday learn to at least somewhat normalize 'The Casual Hook-Up Culture', but remember to do it in a way that does not intend to make the participants uncomfortable. Clearly it's all question about 'who you want to let yourself be..' / or rather, perhaps, it's all best said as 'who we really are eventually comes anyway, and the problem isn't so much who we truly are, it's whether or not we can accept the life God Gave each of us to live..'.
In all this so-called complexity today I'm actually finding my mind going ever more ultra simplistic with all things. In light of Lilly Phillips Adventure, I find myself thinking about Evel Knievel, which is a name that almost sounds like 'Evil Can Evil' ..lol.., why does he do his stunts? What real purpose do his stunts even serve? Or gambling for that matter, why do people do it?
The Bible says 'all is vanity' which I understand to mean 'everything is meaningless', given enough time everyone comes to see torment is merely just a state of trying to put meaning on something that factually has no meaning. Placing a false belief of importance on something is in fact the first step towards our mental and emotional self enslavement. Any emotional pain or mental conflicts that you only think you're feeling is a self accepted self made torment; seriously, life on Earth has become nothing more than a practice of self punishment that starts in the mind. *"First you believe you deserve punishment, and then you factually go off to punish yourselves in countless ways for so called 'not yet achieving what you thought were supposed to be ( aka what all our national leaders are all trying to indoctrinate us into thinking that 'what we're supposed to be'). When you come to see and accept God made you what you are, and that nothing can change what God has made, then obviously you're no longer thinking or feeling any kind of disappointment for failing to be something you're not. And obviously you're then not very likely to start living a lifestyle of self made punishment are you?
Shifting back to Considering our human condition / our collective 'Evil Can Evil stunt living culture'. Obviously it's easy to think something is possible, but the likelihood of achieving a thing perfectly / or at very least getting through it without serious self made injury; this is obviously a matter of chance, and yet we also see some kind of consideration also to need to be had towards the argument of fate. We must ask ourselves 'how does fate play a role at any or all of those starting points known as 'one's own initial agreement to take a chance'?
As a Canadian Catholic, even if it's only geographically speaking, looking down on America is obviously what I've been Given by God to do in my life; yes I have, in the past, asked the question 'can an individual even be A Christian and An American at the very same time?'. My question stems from the thought of "how isn't pledging allegiance to America not an act of making yourself more so 'of the world' rather than 'of God'?"
OBVIOUSLY the premise of this question depends on what kind of America all Americans will allow to exist. Will it be an America where being 'Catholic / Universal' gets you kicked out, or will it be an America that actually requires you to become, at very least in collective daily social function, a cultural Catholic (aka Universal = Catholic): perhaps in order to properly function as a Most True American you're actually advised to be as Catholic as possible? We must always ask ourselves as Americans ( also as 'Americans by extension who live all around the world' ) does the line "In God We Trust" refer to Satan as God or to Our Father in Heaven as God? I say if America is truly to be a nation that intends to serve the common good all round the world, a good nation full of the best and brightest people, then obviously we should all- ( all of us around the world ) -we should all obviously want to believe it and say it "Our Father in Heaven is God, and thus our best most true self as an 'American People' ( aka, a most prosperous human collective on Earth ) is a universally minded people who are faithful and accepting of God's will enough to allow a vaste many different possible ways of life for all individuals to lead while alive on Earth." If that statement is not The American Dream which is obviously secretly wanted by all souls on Earth, then let us move quickly now, start dismantling America and let's start again. But I say 'If it isn't broken then don't try to fix it', 'If you can't beat it, join it', and 'There's no such thing as beating the truth, you can only join the truth; that or obviously you can continue to suffer the self made, self perceived pain that comes from trying in vain to so very insanely expect yourself to be something you were never made by God to be'. I don't need the leaders of my own nation to join my nation with America, my soul is factually already formed as a Catholic American, the fact that I live north of the 49th parallel is immaterial, it's meaningless, it's frankly a very naive level of vanity to think America isn't already collecting all our tax dollars in one way shape or form. Can you smell it, what the Rock is Cooking? Obviously in your having read all this, my prayer for you is very simple, and I in fact know you'll eventually come to do it anyway, that prayer is "may you now better be able to Go with God". Amen