The following is an abridged transcript of a segment from System Update’s most recent episode, lightly edited for clarity and readability. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.
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One of the most notable aspects of Donald Trump's array of nominees to serve in his key cabinet positions is that most of them have provoked zero opposition from Democratic members of Congress or their allies in the corporate media. Indeed, Democrats like Liz Warren and various CNN personalities have heaped praise on many of Trump's choices, such as Marco Rubio for Secretary of State, Elise Stefanik, for Ambassador to the U.N., and Scott Benson for Treasury Secretary. That's because those are all people who have long-standing loyalties to bipartisan D.C. establishment dogma and thus, Democrats are not just accepting but are happy about those choices.
Tulsi Gabbard has generated by far the most anger with people like Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling her a Russian agent last month on MSNBC and Republican senators as well, indicating their widespread reluctance to vote for her. But today it is being reported - with on-the-record quotes from Republican senators – that Gabbard's nomination is in deep trouble. The only way Republican senators, many of them like Tom Cotton, have said they will even consider voting for her is if she renounces and reverses her longtime opposition to mass warrantless NSA and FBI domestic spying, and they're demanding that even to be considered, she must instead join the bipartisan consensus in favor of those long-time surveillance powers.
Gabbard, in a last-ditch effort to win confirmation, is reportedly now reversing herself and promising to support those powers. This incident, like so many others like it, shows how Washington really works: the only way to ascend to power or to remain there is if you endorse fully and completely the U.S. Security state's agenda.