The following is an abridged transcript of a segment from System Update’s most recent episode, lightly edited for clarity and readability. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.
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We speak today to the president of the Hind Rajab Foundation, Dyab Abou Jahjah, about the work of the group in tracking IDF admissions of war crimes, the legal proceedings this group is bringing against them around the world and the very serious and credible threats of violence and murder that they are predictably enduring from Israelis as a result.
There was a fascinating case in Brazil last week where a federal judge, unbeknownst to anybody, had a case before the court that urged the court to detain and criminally investigate a soldier from the Israeli Defense Forces, an Israeli citizen who had traveled to Brazil in December to vacation in Brazil. The court accepted that request and ordered that soldier be criminally investigated. As it turned out, though, before the court could issue that order, either the police or the prosecutor or someone inside the court leaked to the Israeli government that this was about to happen, and they were able to smuggle the soldier out in the middle of the night to Argentina.
Obviously, it's pretty interesting that the person charged with war crimes was in Brazil and then fled to Argentina given that's where most Nazi war criminals went after the Nuremberg trials and after World War II – to hide. That's where all the Nazi hunters, the iconic Nazi hunters, like Simon Wiesenthal and others would find all the Nazis, including Adolf Eichmann in 1961, he was hiding in Argentina. So, that symbolism shouldn't be lost.
The reason this is happening is that Israeli soldiers have been endlessly posting on social media –they even got criticized by Donald Trump for doing it – incredibly sadistic and obviously criminal and illegal actions that they're proud of and that they feel when they post on their social media and celebrate with music and dance and jokes and fun.
The Hind Rajab Foundation was created in the wake of the absolutely horrific murder of a six-year-old Palestinian girl in Gaza that you're about to hear about. That was her name Hind Rajab.
This foundation was created to track down and create dossiers on the war criminals in the IDF who are publicly boasting about their war crimes and then use the force of the law – nothing else – to go around the world in order to make sure that countries that are signatories to the International Criminal Court, the Rome Statute, and therefore duty bound to investigate war criminals on their soil actually do so. And that's what just happened in Brazil and that brought the attention to the work of this group.
We spoke to the president of this group, Dyab Abou Jahjah, about the group's work in tracking these IDF admissions of war crimes, the legal proceedings the group is bringing against them around the world, including the one they just brought in Brazil. There are many others, and also the very serious and credible threats of violence, or terrorism that they are getting, not from anonymous Israelis, but from top-level Israeli officials, in public, all as a result of the success that they are now having in scaring Israelis about whether or not they're going to be able to travel freely if they participated in war crimes and publicly documented them.
I find this work that he's doing very noble not just because of the obvious need to enforce laws about war criminality, but because of the obvious dangers that he's knowingly incurring and that he knew, obviously before he did it, he would incur. These threats are very real, given the complete sociopathic willingness of the Israeli government to cross any line, which they've demonstrated over and over. I found the interview very affecting and very enlightening and I strongly believe that you will, too. Here is our conversation with Mr. Jahjah.
The interview: Dyab Abou Jahjah
G. Greenwald: Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us. It's great to see you and I appreciate your coming on.
Dyab Abou Jahjah: My pleasure. Thanks for having me.
G. Greenwald: Absolutely. So, the organization of which you're a part is the Hind Rajab Foundation. And it made a lot of big news over the last couple of weeks, in large part because of a success that you had in Brazil, where you were able to convince a federal court that the presence of an IDF soldier on Brazilian soil obligated the Brazilian government to investigate that person for war crimes, he was able to end up escaping Brazil, fleeing Brazil but it caused a lot of concern in Israel, a lot of anger in Israel. And I want to get into the details of that. But before we do, can you talk to me a little bit about the Hind Rajab Foundation and how it got that name?