Glenn Greenwald
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"Simplified Lower Class Lives + Higher Societal Productivity = Collective Victory"

On the extreme left..
-.. We The People have those Elites who want more 'willing low paid slaves' ..
-.. and a maximum amount of money flowing up to themselves (at the top) at any cost ..
-.. including the kind of economic policies that decrease the global human population over time, ..
-.. or worse, policies that actually lead to wars all over the Earth.
This is the poorest possible mindset, that in the long run, will not actually produce the maximum flow of money to anywhere, or to anything that's desirable to any sane enough individuals.

On the extreme right..
-.. We The People have those elites who’s only trick seems to be to drop taxes ..
-.. and say work harder to everyone no matter what economic class they're in.

Obviously, Left or Right, they're called Elites for a reason, they've been wealthy for so long, that they're nearly completely out of touch with the lower classes.
And I do hope it's obvious to everyone that what you do to the lowest of the low classes, this is what you're doing to the middle class.. & .. I do hope none need to be told that what you do to the middle class goes on to affect the upper classes.
Jesus Christ said 'what you do unto the least of My Children, you do unto me'; so even if you hate all Bible speech and fancy yourself as a God among men, you have to take wisdom in that phrase as a super wealthy person. What you do to your willing enough servants, you do to yourself in the long run. So go on, see yourself as God, be you wealthy or poor, because you're right no matter what class you're in. ‘Loving your neighbour’ / ‘BEING CHARITABLE’ unto your neighbor is equal to loving and being Charitable unto the body of God.’ - I don't see any Pope being able to tell me I've incorrectly paraphrased Jesus Christ.
*Just getting out of bed, doing something productive, without any concern for the amount of money you earn, this is definitely called Charity; but when does (society at large) our collective addiction to The Charity, what comes from the most materially poor people, when do we collectively agree it's not called Charity any more, but in fact it's called slavery?

What you do to the lowest of the low ripples up the chain towards you at the top. If you let yourself stay both excessively wealthy and also an incompetent leader, you will obviously get enough poor people suffering and or killed that you too will eventually get your head, let's say, zipper-off.

Where did we leave off?
'..and say work harder to everyone no matter what economic class they are in.'

I propose the statement that 'not everyone is equal', or if that's not to your liking, we could simply say 'not everyone is exactly the same', some actually can work harder / some care to only work so much, either way, ‘don't try to squeeze blood from a stone’; you'll ultimately find it's you who is bleeding.

Be it a willingness to work, or a capability to work; as a lifelong poor person myself, who's now 42 years old, who's Catholic, and living in Canada: I'm now currently so spiritually and mentally infected with the modern-day societally created disease of poverty,..
.. (which I'm now totally sure is placed on me from the top down no matter which party is in power) ..
.. I'm now so infected with the disease of Poverty .. that I'm now so poor and unmotivated that I can't even tell the difference between my lack of willingness to work compared to my lack of capability to work; they seem to be one in the same.

Humanity needs to learn, for once and for all, to stay forward thinking enough, to see that a minimum wage person needs to see that if he works harder, he actually gets paid more: such a thing is vital for the spiritual and mental growth that enables him / stirring within him to even want to oneday get a middle class job.

** We definitely can't be seeing wealth gaps expanding so rapidly as they currently are, all while the poorest make larger balances on their credit cards just to survive, this a sign of a failing grade given to materially wealthiest leaders of all humanity when things like this happen - (I've seen the left wing policies make this happen the most); like this it's clear too much money is flowing up-to and staying at the top, and this grotesque sight of an increasing billionaire class is obviously coming at the expense of the most enslaved at the bottom.

Obviously economics is now totally proven to be a zero sum game. No, don't cry Thomas Sowell, I still love you. But think about it, how could any self respecting scientist ever say that a system grovening an aggregate product (like dollar bills) isn't a zero sum game?
Like look, I once worked in a toy store, as a dishwasher, and in liquor/grocery stores, so saying Economics isn't a Zero Sum Game is not the kind of Bullshit a guy like me is gonna be able to swallow. When a fellow pregnant bitch (male or female) can't get his/her new baby car seat because we sold them all, well, guess what, that's ‘sum zero for both her and the store’ until more car seats are made; do we have to say the car seats are dollar bills? Should we use the analogy again with dishes in a restaurant? Or how about bottles of booze on store shelves? (Remider: get more beer / wine / spirits..)

Go on, build your tall buildings without enough sand/clay/rock mixture surrounding your concrete foundations, go on, I dare you, see what happens. Do I need to remind you of Jesus Christ saying ‘to build your house on solid ground’?
You super wealthy may see me and instantly think it, to call me dirt, I'm not offended by this, I know I'm of that Rock/Clay/Sand mixture; but I also know this makes me closer to God. I know that you evil cunts need me more than I need you: People like me become soldiers, bodyguards, construction workers, waitresses, etc, but most importantly we are mothers and fathers of the next generation.

'A society that wants to be successful / Want it's population to increase', it needs to slow the growth of wealth gaps by somehow paying the lowest paid slaves, at very least, a little more money=the people at the top a little less money-

  • ( what might just 1% or 2% taken from all billionaires (one day we'll be saying trillionaires) do for all humanity if it were spread out to the poor on a regular basis?'s something like this, or the Elites on both sides of the political aisle can just hurry up and agree to get the guillotines, yup, prove your all right proper total evil cunts and let's just finish off Bible Prophecy, why not? I will.. slappin the tearful queers and beta male cuck’s out of my way to the front of the line to die if all the wealthy people truly want all people like me to be dead. I don't love the world more than I love God, ‘the Queers and cucks cry before death because they love the world, as it currently is, more than they love God’ or rather we should be saying ‘all they know is the world, they don't even yet know God’ to paraphrase Jesus Christ some more**

Sorry, I'll need to start that paragraph again,

Humanity needs to learn, for once and for all, to stay forward thinking enough, to see that a minimum wage person needs to see that if he works harder, he actually gets paid more, that he actually has a chance to move into the middle class: If society is made in such a way that it's impossible to leave the lowest classes, then most likely it's impossible to leave the middle class on an upward angle. If there's no class motion, then your society needn't wait for a collapse to know it's coming, you're already in a state of swaying back and forth (do to the changing political winds), yes, your society is already in the beginning state of collapse, and guess who's rocking the whole boat. Mother-Fuckers like me! 😂😉😎

I'm not completely against ‘foreign workers’ or ‘seeing no-one as illegal' -

  • (can we call them Aliens for shorthand? I definitely want to be called an Alien when I go to another country, ‘hey son, guess what, We're Aliens!’ ‘Really!’ ‘Yup!’ ‘Cool!’)-,
  • so yes, it's all a nice idea, but it all obviously needs to be balanced, controlled. We can't import people if there's nowhere for them to live, and taxpayer funded hotel stays for Aliens don't count as homes.
    We do see many forms of UBI are already in existence in our western societies, but not everyone gets it. Such forms are social assistance for elderly and disabled people, there's also welfare and child supporting payments.
  • I am proposing that every non-Alien / legal citizen of their nation / no matter their wealth status, gets the exact same amount of a UBI check (such a payment will be less than a drop in the bucket of a Billionaire but will be life changing to the paycheck to paycheck type people) .. (I probably recommend something like a double or even triple payments to disabled or elderly people; Jesus Christ Would definitely say we owe them that just for being made by God to live as they are: trust me, you don't know the spiritual battles that are being fought and won, by the disabled and elderly, all fought on behalf of the.. called normal and regular people, let alone the wealthiest at the top) - as I've said in the words above, ”Charity comes most from those who are closest to God, and none are closer to God than those souls who God knew could survive ‘the living out of a disabled person's life’.” _ ’These battles are all unseen, not on a material level, but on the non material level, we all need those who are Closest to God more than they need us’, that is if I am, for a moment, to say that in the mindset of a normal person - (do remember, 😂, I'm dirt. My government in fact says I'm infected with the disease of Societally Generated Poverty to a disabling degree! 😉), ACTUALLY I WISH I FELT LIKE I WAS DIRT, OR EVEN SAND OR CLAY, I'M MOST LIKELY LIKE A TINY ROCK, JUST CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK: THE MAIN BLOCK HAS TO BE GOD IF I UNDERSTAND MY BIBLE ENOUGH.

– ** –

UBI: I know what you're thinking, how do we pay for it all? The answer is we're already paying most of it, so let's just get rid of all the disability checks, old age checks, child support payments, take all that money, combine it into one payment that goes out equally to all citizens no matter their income bracket. I also want to see no taxes collected every year from those below a certain wealth level, like what's the point? .. & A Carbon Tax, currently in Canada it's so very high, we could keep it going but massively reduce it (but, yes, stop wasting money trying to fight ‘climate change’, bc it's insane) ..
.. (let's face it, the wealthiest get wealthy off the poor, from making money at very rapid rates, so within the profits made by the wealthiest people (and tax collected from all forms of energy use) already lives the taxes collected from the poor: so just tax the wealthiest among us; thus, it's a zero sum game: water the poor with the right amount of cash and also free up their time, and they'll grow to be more productive people =..
..(you want proof of concept, I dare you to go back and read the very terrible crap I was writing ten years ago on Facebook. I'll sign this piece if writing with my page names)..
.. = The increased Productivity becomes more taxes collected and it all equals a Simplified System, easier for us Dirt people to understand, and it all requires much less money printing = national deficits will decrease = baby populations will explode all around the world = Most People won't even want to move away from the lands their born in = Lower cost of fossil fuel energy = MORE PRODUCTIVITY = MORE TAX DOLLARS = LOWER NATIONAL DEBT, ETC: I'm definitely seeing something beautiful, a very pleasant thing currently lives in the eye of God. Amen
written by - Vince Joeseph Quesnel - Personal Facebook page #1 ( yes, that's the correct spelling of Joseph I used , I'm RETARDED )

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Your sympathy for people in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, and your opposition to manufactured wars, is clear and respectable. But that does not mean the people you choose to platform are giving you a full picture of reality.

Whatever you do, if you rely on voices from totalitarian regimes—whether in Russia, Iran, China, or even Gaza—you are only getting the state-approved narrative. You may think you are exposing hidden truths, but in reality, you are repeating the perspective of those in power, not the people who resist them.

This is why I have a problem with your latest interview.

Dugin practically claimed that Ukraine has never been a real nation, that its borders are artificial, that its sovereignty is a fabrication of the West. To you, to many Americans, this sounds like a fresh debate.

But for us? This is an old conversation, a century-old argument used to justify denying people their right to exist.

Many of us—from Ukraine to Kurdistan in my country Iran, to ...

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@ggreenwald You made a piece about a month ago speaking on Dems/GOP and their mutual lack of support for the worker. You've also spoken on the actual activities and goals of USAID and NED. One of the things I've not seen a great deal of attention on related to both of these issues are the actions being taken against the federal workforce, the lawsuits and other actions taken in response, and how these actions could, if successful, affect the U.S. generally, not only by affecting all of the services and benefits the federal workforce dole out to those who need them, but also the legal precedents that will be set if the Trump administration is allowed to bypass statutory law and unions and simply dismiss employees suddenly without cause in massive numbers. It would be nice if one of our actual journalists would touch on this issue to give it more attention. So far, people like Russell Brand has misrepresented the whole issue ...

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The Weekly Update
From February 24th to February 28th

Welcome to a new week of System Update!

Last week, Glenn was in Russia. That was big. Now, he's handing over the show to independent journalist Lee Fang for the week, but before we let this one get ahead of us, we’re back with another Weekly Update to give you every link to all of Glenn’s best moments from Monday (February 24th) to Friday (February 28th). Let’s get to it.


Daily Updates

MONDAY: Michael Tracey at CPAC

In this episode, we discussed…

  1. Whether Germany's AfD is truly a neo-Nazi movement;

  2. Steve Bannon's views on the conflict in Ukraine;

  3. Liz Truss on Boris Johnson's foreign meddling;

TUESDAY: Michael Tracey Debates the Ukraine War 

  1. In this episode, Michael hosted a debate on the Ukraine War with independent journalist Tom Mutch;

WEDNESDAY: The View from Moscow with Professor Dugin

In this episode, we interviewed…

  1. Professor Aleksandr Dugin on the Ukraine War, Russia's need for DOGE, authoritarianism, globalism, and Trump's relationship with Putin;


FRIDAY: Glenn Reacts to Trump-Zelensky Standoff

  1. In this episode, Glenn reacted to the explosive White House showdown.


About those question submissions: They’re LIVE!

We noticed that many of you didn’t submit recorded questions, possibly because the process was unclear. Regardless, we’re here to announce that our submission feature is now LIVE. Simply follow the Rumble Studio link included in our Tuesday and Thursday Locals after-show announcements to record your questions, share praise for our editors, or comment on current events.

Again, please be aware that shorter questions are easier to include in the after-show!


Locals benefits are being retooled. Here’s what that means:

For now, it means that our subscribers’ questions will be relegated to our new LIVE Friday mailbag, where Glenn will pull from the best questions, recorded and written, from the past week across all of our community-exclusive posts and discussions. Now, in other words, your questions will be seen by our entire Rumble audience. Rewards will be given for proper grammar and spelling. But there’s more!

In addition to our rescheduled question-and-answer segment(s), there will also be an increasing number of paywalled third segments, meaning that only you (our loyal Locals community members) will have access to the full range of System Update-related content. To be clear, this will happen slowly over the next month, so don’t be too alarmed. Be a little alarmed. Actually, a moderate level of alarm is appropriate—like 45% alarmed.


That’s it for this edition of the Weekly Update! 

We’ll see you next week…

“Stay tuned for a Weekly Update update!”

— System Update Crew


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The View from Moscow: Key Russian Analyst Aleksandr Dugin on Trump, Ukraine, Russia, and Globalism
System Update #414

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!


As I mentioned before, I am traveling to pursue certain interviews, conduct other interviews and speak to people in places such as Russia. Here I am currently in Budapest. I spent the last several days in Moscow. I'll be in other countries over the next week or so. A lot is going on in terms of the reaction to President Trump, to the Trump administration, to the massive changes he is speaking about and in some cases bringing to alliances such as NATO that have repercussions and ripple effects throughout the world, but especially in Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Western Europe. 

In Moscow, I conducted several interviews, one of which I am very excited to show you tonight. It is with Professor Aleksandr Dugin, whose role in Moscow is undoubtedly significant and influential, but, oftentimes, misapprehended or misdescribed in the West. 

Dugin has often been called Putin's brain in Western media, which is designed to imply that he's the person who sits next to Putin, whispering in his ear, shaping the dogma, the ideology and the geostrategy that Putin follows. 

He is more a philosopher, a scholar, a theorist, but he has become a household name in Russia. He is undoubtedly influential, although he is very influential in particular factions and particular circles, one that tends to look at President Putin almost as too moderate of a figure, too cautious of a figure, too restrained a figure. And I think therein lies one of the fascinating parts of this interview, which I have to say, and I said this last night, I consider to be one of the most interesting interviews I've ever conducted. It illustrates the fact that here in the West, we love to, or at least we're often subjected to these very cartoon versions of what Russia is, its totalitarian regime: Adolf Hitler is in charge of Moscow in the form of Vladimir Putin. He's this totalitarian figure. He speaks and everybody obeys instantly and there's no dissent. There's no questioning. The minute you question, you're killed or murdered or sent to a gulag. Of course, the complexities of modern-day life in Russia and Moscow, in particular, are far more nuanced, far more complex than that. There are constantly competing factions and ideological disagreements. 

I might analogize the role that Dugin plays maybe to a Steve Bannon figure where he is unquestionably pro-Putin in the way that Steve Bannon is unquestionably pro-Trump and there have been definitely instances and time periods and issues in which Bannon has played a vital role, arguably the central role, in shaping the mentality, ideology and worldview of Donald Trump, much like Professor Dugin has done with the Putin circle. 

There are other times that Bannon has been kind of cast out of favor, sort of speaks and incites a significant part of the pro-Trump base, but from the outside and that I think is also Professor Dugin, who represents and symbolizes a very significant part of the pro-Putin faction in Moscow, but not one that always gets its way by any means. 

In fact, over the last 15-20 years, there have been times when Professor Dugin has been ostracized, there are other times that he has been kept far more in favor. He probably is at a higher point of influence now because he was somebody who was urging Putin in Moscow to annex Crimea in the wake of the coup attempt, the successful coup that the West helped engineer with Victoria Nuland, John McCain and Chris Murphy and the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID and Ukraine right on the other side of the Russian border. 

He has also been a stalwart defender of the Russian war in Ukraine, which he sees as necessary to combat the influence of the West and NATO and the United States and globalism generally in Ukraine. But he has also at times been critical of the Kremlin in subtle ways for not going far enough in his view for being too eager to recreate engagement with the West, positive relations with the West, even if in his eyes it means sacrificing legitimate Russian interests. 

And so, a lot is going on in Moscow given what Trump is trying to do in terms of facilitating a Russian-Ukrainian peace deal that will end the Russian war in Ukraine. He and others in Moscow are very concerned about what that might look like, what Russia might give away, what Russia might concede. 

There's a lot of robust debate taking place in Budapest as well and throughout Eastern Europe, throughout Western Europe, all as a response to Trump taking the global order and kind of shaking it up like one of those little glass paper weights you put on your desk when you have the water and you pick it up and you shake it and everything kind of moves. That's always the potential that I’ve seen in Donald Trump that it kind of takes 80-year-old post-World War II institutions that have done so much harm, just shakes them up and forces them to rearrange themselves. That's the reason there's so much hysteria in establishment circles when it comes to what Trump is doing. 

So, I had a few general ideas of what I wanted to talk to Professor Dugin, but I didn't have any written questions. As you'll see, I just have a little notebook in front of me, occasionally jotting down some ideas. I wanted it to be a very organic and natural discussion as opposed to a rigid interview. I wanted to hear what he said and react to that and kind of go where that took us as opposed to just having an agenda beforehand. Like I said, I found it to be an extremely thought-provoking interview. There's a reason why we're told not to listen to Russian voices, why the EU forbade any platforming of Russian state TV so that all Western populations would hear the propaganda of Western countries about Ukraine, about Russia, because when you can hear directly from the other side, from somebody you're told not to listen to, the impression that is left with you is radically different, of course, than if those ideas are mediated to you, or served to you, or distorted for you by somebody who wants you to have a particular impression of that other side but not actually ever listen to them. 

So, the conversation ended up being an hour and a half, an hour and 40 minutes. For me, the time flew. In addition to having written questions, I also didn't have a clock or a phone in front of me. I just kind of got a feel for how long the conversation went. The time really flew. His English is excellent, but he's also a very, very clear thinker. He was trained originally as a philosopher, or self-taught as a philosopher, speaks multiple languages, having learned them himself and he thinks and reasons primarily as a philosopher, as a political analyst, secondarily. So, he really speaks from first principles, those first principles that serve as the foundation for at least a significant faction of Russian thought that wields a lot of influence in Moscow. It's really worth hearing what he thinks about Donald Trump and Washington, about the international aspect of this populist nationalist movement, as well as the multipolar world that is clearly emerging and what that might look like and his vision for Russia and what he calls Russian civilization or Russian culture and the role that it plays in the world in relationship to other forms of culture. It's a kind of voice that you very rarely hear, at least in depth, in Western discourse. 

So, I found this discussion extremely illuminating, very thought-provoking, very engaging. I really think you will too. I hope you will and we are proud to show it to you. 


The Interview: Prof. Dugin

G. Greenwald: Professor, thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me. It's great to see you. I want to start with the change in what seems like the climate and certainly in Washington, in the United States, where there's a great deal of expectation that with a new president, one who specifically is vowing that he wants to see an end to the war between Russia and Ukraine and there's a lot of expectation that that is going to happen. I think the same is true in Western European capitals, for better or for worse. Some people are happy, some people are not. What is the expectation here in Moscow in terms of that likelihood? 

Aleksandr Dugin: First of all, we observe carefully how deep the changes that Mr. Trump has brought with his new team, new administration are. That is something incredible. He has changed direction 180%. So that is totally reversal of the previous administration. 

G. Greenwald: In what way do you mean that? 

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Michael Tracey Reports from CPAC: Exclusive Interviews with Liz Truss, Steve Bannon & More
System Update #412

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!


 This is Michael Tracey filling in for Glenn Greenwald here on System Update. Glenn is away on another one of his magical mystery trips. So, for now, you are once again stuck with me. 

Today we're in Washington, D.C. here at the beautiful Rumble studio and as fortune would have it, we have a bevy of interesting content for you because over the past couple of days, I was out covering CPAC, which is the annual conservative confab here in Washington, D.C. 

There I was busily talking to whomever I thought might have a notable thought to share and we're going to play some of these notable clips for you. But just by way of introduction, what I found unusually interesting about this year's CPAC, and I had been to CPACs in the past, I don't think in a number of years, maybe even pre-Trump is the last time I went, but definitely this year what stood out to me was how international CPAC really has become. 

In the past, it might have been a little bit wearying for me to just sit through the standard Republican talking points but with so much of an international presence at CPAC now, it kind of makes things a little more spicy. So now we're talking about potentially how to constitute or not a global conservative or a right-wing coalition more so than something that's just rather myopically focused on American domestic or foreign affairs. 

One of the main points of friction – and you know me, I'm always looking to probe and prod at points of friction – is how a bunch of these right-wing parties that are seeking to endear themselves to Trump and the Trump movement, the ascendant Trump governance in D.C., how they will reconcile some of their pretty striking points of departure. One of the right-wing parties that was at CPAC or had representatives there was the Law and Justice Party, in Poland, namely a former prime minister who's also still in the EU government, who is very pro-Ukraine, very antagonistic toward Russia, drawing on this tendency within much of Eastern Europe, Poland in particular, to continue to look at Russia through the lens of the Soviet empire and the subjugation, as they would put it or see it, of these Eastern European provinces to Soviet domination. They're trying to convince people on the right, including in the United States, who still might be a bit skeptical of the broader antagonism toward Russia that they must continue with this antipathy. 

On the other hand, there are parties like the AfD, or Alternative for Germany, who were just in the German federal elections yesterday, who also had a presence at CPAC and who were seeking to refute the criticisms made of their party by the other right-wing parties in Eastern Europe, like in Poland, who view the AfD as a very insidious threat. 

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