Glenn Greenwald
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A Neocon Monster: The Ruinous Lies & Crimes of Bill Kristol, Now a Major Foreign Policy Thought-Leader in the Democratic Party
Video Transcript
June 20, 2023
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Good evening. It's Monday, June 19. Welcome to a new episode of System Update, our live nightly show that airs every Monday through Friday at 7 p.m. Eastern, exclusively here on Rumble, the free speech alternative to YouTube. 

Tonight, a neocon monster: the singular evil and deceit of Bill Kristol. 

One of the most extraordinary, alarming and baffling developments to witness in American politics is the complete rehabilitation of neoconservatives. Most Americans who know this term first learned of it in 2002 during the run-up to the American and British invasion of Iraq. The neocons were the most vocal and vehement advocates, not just of the invasion of Iraq, but more importantly, of the warmongering framework undergirding that attack, namely that the world is better off when the United States rules it, and especially the Middle East, through the application of superior military force, in essence, ordering all countries to do the bidding of the United States, always under the threat that failure to obey will result in attacks, invasions, bombings, regime change, coups and much more. This imperialistic and militaristic mindset was not exactly new.

This imperialistic and militaristic mindset was not exactly new. The U.S. fought wars, imposed tyrannies, and engineered coups all over the world, on every continent, during the Cold War and after but what distinguished neocons from standard warmongers and militarists were two qualities:  

First, they have no other politics beyond their quest for endless war. Many neocons in fact began as liberals or even leftists and were willing to morph into anything they needed to be as long as doing so served the only issue they really cared about: placing the US in a state of endless war, almost always fought by other people's families and children rather than their own. Starting with the war in Iraq, a war they were craving and loudly demanding long before the 9/11 attacks – that attack became the pretext for the war in Iraq – they have supported every new and proposed American war since then. "Neocons" is a polite euphemism for "bloodthirsty, sociopathic warmongers."

 Second, neocons, by definition, barely even pretend to care about the truth, whether they know it or not. The smarter ones do, the dumber ones don't. They are often followers of the German-American political philosopher Leo Strauss, and his belief in the “noble lie”, falsehoods propagated by those who are superior in society to deceive and mislead the peasants into acting contrary to their own belief system, for their own good as elites to find that concept for them. It was no accident that the war in Iraq, along with every U.S. war that followed, began – and then was sustained – with propaganda so intense and deceitful that calling them lies is a woeful understatement. Neocons do believe in lies. They believe in lies – and appear to derive arousal from them – almost as much as they believe in and find purpose and excitement in wars. 

Neocons were said to have reached the peak of their power during the Bush-Cheney administration when the trauma of the 9/11 attack and the fear and anger it inspired finally gave them the fuel to usher their demented agenda of endless permanent war. The utter failure of the Iraq War and the realization that it was based on lies told to the public through the corporate media, often led by neocons themselves, supposedly resulted in neocons finally being expelled from power and influence in Washington. They were discredited, we were told, finally unmasked as the deceitful sociopaths that they are. 

That should have been true, but it most definitely was not. The neocons went a bit underground after the Bush administration, but they never really went away and, in 2013 and 2014, they began to detect a shifting political reality: anti-war sentiment was growing in the Republican Party – as it was before 9/11 – as evidenced by Ron Paul's campaigns or George Bush's 2008 presidential campaign plank that the U.S. needed to have a more humble foreign policy. At the same time, Democrats were becoming increasingly enchanted with the promises, power and profit that war provides. In 2013, and 2014, neocons became especially enamored of Hillary Clinton. And though the narrative we're fed now claims that neocons only migrated back to the Democratic Party as a reaction to Trump – as the neocons are such honorable patriots and devotees of democracy that they simply could not abide Trump's anti-democratic impulses – the reality, as is easily demonstrated, and as we will show you, is the neocons who began maneuvering, reattached themselves to the Democratic Party long before Trump emerged, and they were especially excited by the prospect of a presidency led by Hillary Clinton, whose criticisms of Barack Obama was that – despite bombing eight different Muslim-majority countries – Obama was insufficiently aggressive, bellicose and militaristic.  

The neocons’ migration back to the Democratic Party is now complete. Virtually every major neocon from the Bush-Cheney era doesn’t even bother to brand themselves any longer as Never Trump conservatives. They're just Democrats like any other and are ardent admirers of Joe Biden. And why wouldn't they be? Their perception that the Democratic Party is the best vehicle for advancing their war-hungry pathology is correct. But the fact that they opportunistically morphed into loud opponents of Donald Trump and became Democrats – along with time, which means more and more people don't remember who they are or what they really did – means that neocons have reached a level of influence that is arguably greater than what they wielded back in 2002 and that it was. That is what makes it so urgent to document who they all are and why they are singularly menacing and demented. 

The most uniquely influential and illustrious neocon is almost certainly Bill Kristol. For years he edited a magazine, The Weekly Standard, founded in 1995, funded by Rupert Murdoch, and that was designed to push the United States to align with neoconservative ideology more and more by exerting influence within the Republican Party. Kristol now performs exactly the same role – contaminating our body politics with neoconservative sickness – but now operates within the Democratic Party and is now funded not by Rupert Murdoch, but by the liberal billionaire Pierre Omidyar. 

One could very effectively and persuasively make the case that Bill Kristol is the single most toxic, destructive and malign influence on American politics over the course of the last three decades. And that is exactly the case that we will make tonight, both as a reminder of what neoconservatives really are and have always been and to highlight how significant their influence continues to be, now, more than ever, in American politics, the Democratic Party and prevailing sentiments about war, militarism and chronic deceit from America's leading institutions of power. 

As a reminder, System Update is available as well in podcast form. You can follow us on Spotify, Apple and all major podcasting platforms where you can also rate and review each episode, which helps spread the visible visibility of this program.

For now, welcome to a new episode of System Update, starting right now.

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Prof. John Mearsheimer on Israel/Gaza Cease-fire, Trump's Foreign Policy, Ukraine, Free Speech Crackdowns & More
System Update #396

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Tonight, we welcomed one of our most popular and frequent guests, international relations professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer. 

As always, there is an ample amount of topics to cover with him and our interviews with Professor Mearsheimer are always very popular. I think they bring a lot of light, they illuminate a lot of complex topics and the one we had today is certainly no exception.


The interview: John Mearsheimer

G. Greenwald: Prof. Mearsheimer, always great to see you. Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today. 

Prof. John Mearsheimer: My pleasure to be here Glenn. 

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As Trump Vows to Restore Free Speech, Harvard Just Assaulted it | Columbia Professor Forced Out over Israel Criticisms
System Update #394

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Over the last 15 months, this blatant censorship – the punishment of dissent in almost every sector of American life – has rapidly and aggressively intensified. This time, though, its targets are not primarily conservative voices, instead, they have been overwhelmingly those people who have either criticized aggressively Israel and its destruction of Gaza and/or those who support the Palestinian cause, both of which, as I understand it, falls squarely within the protection of the First Amendment's guarantee and right of free speech. 

There is no Israel exception in the First Amendment – nor is there in any other amendment. We’ll tell you about the latest abridgment of Americans’ free speech rights in one of its most influential academic institutions – Harvard. 

At Columbia University, in New York, Professor Catherine Franke, a long-time prominent faculty member, was inundated with multiple formal complaints and investigations, several filed by fellow faculty members: the kind of free speech witch hunts on campus that conservatives in the United States have been for years vocally condemning and pretending to oppose, though not notably in this case, where many of them are silent and some are outright supportive. 


There is a very bizarre dynamic when it comes to Israel and the United States that no matter how many times I see it, it never seeks to amaze me. Joe Biden has prided himself on the 60 years that he has been in public life as a senator, a vice president, and as a president over the last four years, in being one of the most stalwart, vocal and unyielding supporters of Israel, of the Israeli government, and not only a supporter of everything it does but also an unrelenting defender of the need and justification of the United States subsidizing the Israeli state, of paying for their military, paying for their wars. 

There are dozens, if not hundreds of speeches that he gave in the Senate saying things like, “Israel is the most important ally to us,” “If there were no Israel, we would have to invent an Israel,” “The billions of dollars we give to them each year are the greatest investment we've ever made” – you cannot find a more pro-Israel stalwart in Washington than Joe Biden over the course of his career. 

The minute October 7 happened, Biden immediately got on a plane – the first foreign leader to go to Israel and stand by Netanyahu's side – and he made a commitment to Netanyahu that the United States would pay for the entire war that they now had to undertake in Gaza and not only pay for it but give them all the arms they asked for, needed and wanted – that our government and our taxpayers and workers would pay for it as well on top of the $4 billion we give to them every year by virtue of an agreement negotiated by Barack Obama with Benjamin Netanyahu when Obama was way out the door in 2016. Also, he would have the United States diplomatically impede any attempt at the U.N. to bring a halt to or impose limits on the Israeli destruction of Gaza. 

Biden made good on every single one of those promises and every time the world – and I mean the entire world – was in consensus about some effort to try to limit or stop Israel in this unprecedented level of violence and destruction against a helpless population, Joe Biden dispatched his diplomats to the U.N. to stand against the entire world and isolate the United States, to veto the resolution or otherwise vote no and defend the state of Israel, no matter how much power and standing in the world the United States had to sacrifice to do it. 

It's hard to imagine, short of literally transferring the control of the United States Treasury formally to Benjamin Netanyahu or just making him Commander in Chief of the armed forces of the United States, what possibly Biden could have done more for the state of Israel, other than everything he has spent the last 15 months doing.  Obviously, it's not a coincidence that a cease-fire deal was reached only when Donald Trump won the election, and he got very heavily and aggressively involved in forging one because Joe Biden had no interest in trying to end the war. He was fueling it, paying for it and defending it up until his very last day in office. 

The Republican critique of Joe Biden, however, is not that he forced American workers to subsidize the state of Israel, even though Israeli citizens have a higher standard of living than millions of Americans, or that he involved the United States in a war that isn't ours to fight. 

Instead, it was that, somehow, he was anti-Israel and pro-Hamas, that he didn't do enough for Israel.

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Trump is Inaugurated & Immediately Issues Executive Orders | Biden Pardons his Family, Liz Cheney, Fauci | Michael Tracey DC Interviews
System Update #392

The following is an abridged transcript from System Update’s most recent episode. You can watch the full episode on Rumble or listen to it in podcast form on Apple, Spotify, or any other major podcast provider.

System Update is an independent show free to all viewers and listeners, but that wouldn’t be possible without our loyal supporters. To keep the show free for everyone, please consider joining our Locals, where we host our members-only aftershow, publish exclusive articles, release these transcripts, and so much more!

Donald Trump was inaugurated at the US Capitol - changed to an indoor venue at the last minute to avoid the extreme cold – and most of official Washington, along with his horde of new big tech billionaire supporters – attended and were featured central stage and played a critical role. Trump's speech was quite heavy on specifics, unlike most inaugural addresses, at least when it came to principles and goals and even several policies. Dozens of pre-planned executive orders were signed by Trump almost immediately upon arriving in the White House, most of which are intended to implement those policies that he laid out today but also throughout the campaign, even if some of those orders were of questionable legal validity, it almost certainly will make it through the courts. 

Joe Biden, who weeks ago pardoned his convicted son, Hunter, after spending all of the campaign vowing that he would never do so, today, went much, much farther by first issuing sweeping preemptive pardons to people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley and more, all people who served his political agenda. 

Also, we sent our intrepid roving independent reporter, Michael Tracey, to Washington this weekend for the inaugural festivities, where he has conducted some remarkable and quite amusing interviews with very various D.C. luminaries in the way that only Michael Tracey can. We'll show you some of those and put the rest of them on our Locals platform. 

A person in a suit and tieDescription automatically generated

Donald Trump is now officially the 47th president of the United States, as well as the 45th. J.D. Vance was sworn in today as the vice president of the United States. That means Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are officially out of government. The entire ceremony in Washington is, on the one hand, a bit over-the-top and a bit melodramatic, but also has a sort of important tradition in the U.S. to signify the passing of this very important power that has been accomplished through the decisions and autonomy of the American electorate. So, I don't want to be too cynical about it. However, a lot was going on at this inauguration, beginning with the speech Donald Trump gave, which typically was designed to set the tone of what his next administration is going to be, what he wants the American people to understand about it and what to expect. 

On the one hand, Trump really evoked the standard themes that he campaigned on throughout the second term of his campaign. There weren't a lot of surprises but I think one of the things that surprised a lot of people – maybe even me – was that he really avoided the sort of bromides and cliches of inaugural addresses about unity and all of that; he unflinchingly identified the people that he believes were the cause of America's woes, even though most of them were sitting right behind him, inches away in the frame of the camera as he spoke. 

Due to the cold weather, they were in this very tight, almost claustrophobic setting up on the stage and so all the ex-presidents – Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and also the current sitting vice president, Kamala Harris – were extremely close to where Trump was speaking. They were sitting just inches away from him, off to his left and you could see them the entire time. What was so amazing about it was that most of Trump's speech was devoted to unflinchingly and without any real politeness to soften it, condemning the entire bipartisan political class over the past 20 years that has essentially, in his view, come close to destroying America due to not just ineptitude, but even more so to corruption, to moral and ethical failings, where they elevated the interest of their donors and themselves at the expense of everybody else in the society. And they all had to sit there while he issued vicious condemnations not only of their own policies and actions but really of their character. 

That produced a lot of amusing moments, the most amusing of which I think came right at the beginning, when Trump followed tradition by reading the names of all of the presidents who were in attendance as well as the vice president, the only one was Kamala Harris who was there, but then right after he read all their names to make clear that they were present, this is what he said immediately after reading their names: 

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